Road Obstacles


Well I was following too close in commute traffic this morning and almost hit a tire/wheel laying in the middle of the lane that "appeared" from under the car in front of me. Glad (Lucky!) I was to the left side of the lane (I really wonder what would have happened if I hit it head on).

Strangest road obstacle I ever heard of was the two guys who were flying down a long sweeping on ramp (Calif 120 to 99) and see a flatbed truck that apparently dumped its load of crated cantelopes. As they neared and prepared to wind their way through the "melon field" they realized they were not cantelopes, but were Turkeys.

"Oh the Humanity !" ....L. Nessman

Scarriest thing I ever saw was when I got tired of following a motor home on the freeway, as I pulled around to pass a 4x8 sheet of Plywood flew off the top of the motorhome.
I know I'm preaching to the choir, but I always keep myself in check by doing the 1001...1002...1003 bit every so often, especially on 280 where everyone's doing 80-90.

Any of those guys "eat" it? Heheheh...

[This message has been edited by Sonic Boom (edited 15 August 2000).]
I try not to follow and always pass,never know what is front of the Car,Truck,Van. If you can't see ahead of the car or under the car I pass it.
Yeah, I admit it. I was stupid and should have done better.

re following:
It was commute traffic so if you drop back too far, somebody just pulls into the gap you create and if you pass, you just settle in behind the next guy in front. I should have been further over towards the line and scanning ahead better.

Sure scared the **** out of me.

[This message has been edited by CaveDweller (edited 15 August 2000).]
A couple of days after I bought my Busa, I was following a ratty old Toyota through a sweeping left-hand uphill curve at around 50MPH. I was probably 20-30 ft behind him. Suddenly, I noticed that half of his exhaust system (including the cat!) had fallen off of his shiteheap and was skittering its way towards my front tire.

I straightened up as quickly as I could and got on the brakes *hard*. I barely missed 1) hitting the road debris 2) being rear-ended by the cage following behind me 3) hitting the guard rail as I performed a mini-stoppie in my attempts to get the bike hauled down from 50 to 0 MPH in a few short feet.

After a quick change of underwear, I was back on the road, no harm done.
One time I had about a 10' length of 6" plastic pipe come off of the back of a flat bed truck right in front of me. Talk about an exciting few seconds.

I ride Interstate 95 here in Florida for 37 miles each way back and forth to work every day. At least once every couple of weeks I find all kinds of things lying in the middle of the road.

It gets kind of scary - especially on Friday evening when the road is full making it difficult to see far enough out front.

I try to ride the white stripe down the middle of both lanes and look way out in front.

Glad I have the Busa to stay out front when necessary.
OK, Ok, Ok, I have one.......

Driving from Red Deer to Calgary, there was a truck ahead of us carrying a sofa. We were hit by the flying sofa and then rear ended as we attempted to stop......

Luckily we were not on our bikes that time.
Beat that!

[This message has been edited by adowell (edited 15 August 2000).]
I had a hay bale fall off a huge truckload of hay right in front of me. Fortunately it was baled with twine and not wire. It exploded not 5 feet from me. No real harm done but I was sh!tless for a week.

Now I always eyeball a trucks cargo and don't stay behind poorly secured loads.
Ok no danger, but funny. I was on the bay bridge late one night and i felt a pain in my chest. felt like someone hit me with a rock. 20 feet later a small black object came hurdling over my windshield and hit me in the helmet, then my leg. In front of me was a truck and things were coming out of it. I pulled along side of it and it was a Mushrom truck, that was loosing its cargo one at a time. no real harm but it was funny.
The year:1987
The place:San Diego,Ca. I-5 Northbound from Imperial Beach
The incident:Conversion van lost it's entire wheel assembly about 100 yds in front and two lanes over.The darned thing was coming at me in slow motion.I was thinking"this is gonna HURT".Lucked out 'cause the thing was bouncing so high,that it flew right over my head by about two(?) feet.Scared the heck out of me.
I've got a couple of those.....Listen up! :)

Last year on my 93 Gsxr-1100 riding toward Brooklyn on the busy BQE (brooklyn-queens expressway) I had the pleasure of running over a pile of chain! It was one of those 8' chains with the big hook on one end that wreckers use. Somehow it was in a 6 inch high pile not laid out flat. My front tire luckily glanced off the side of the pile and my rear tire missed it all together. If I went down at that speed (about 70-80mph) there would have been 3 lanes of traffic ready to run me over.......

This spring when I 1st got my busa I was riding a passenger on i90 in upstate NY. I noticed two lanes to the right of me a little pickup hauling a trailer full of junk metal. There was a full size drive shaft hanging off the front of the trailer near the truck. Don't ya know it fell off and rolled directly toward me from 2 lanes away! I slowed hard figuring I'd be able to get far enough behind that I could go around. As I slowed it slowed and as I pulled left into the median so did it! It was like it was alive! When I finally got the bike stopped the drive shaft was about a foot from my front tiresticking into the passing lane.....

thanks for listening! :)