Rocinante gets her color coat started


Talk about the longest fact it has been a long couple of weeks getting ready for the paint job. Rained last night. Ice on my woman's car this morning and 31 degrees outside..and this is our paint day. My friend Chuck drove for hours to get here to paint. He is a perfectionist at heart and couldn't know a better guy IMO. I've included a picture of his Lamborgini Orange 08 Busa. One of the nicest looking bikes I have ever seen.

Now, about the pics. This is not your usual spray job. Chuck took primer off down to bare metal. I won't divulge everything...but I do promise pics along the way as to why it was done this way. Air tooled in swirly designs in the metal. Then everything was feathered in on the paint. Picture of what my garage looks like for paint spray shop... Then 4 coats of a candy red and 4 coats of clear...tank looks strange right now...but tomorrow some interesting things will begin to happen...

I am so tired I can barely move. I just want to give my kudos to Chuck (Amode) mentor...and met him through the .ORG. My hat is off to guys who make a living painting and body work. It is a hard one would believe me if I told them how many hours I have put into getting everything prepared..and believe me there have been some unsuspected events occur that were challenging. The neat thing is the is when you start to see all of the hard work come to fruition..more pics tomorrow (I hope)...

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Wow ! great

can you please 'splain' her name mang ?

wiki says

Rocín in Spanish means work-horse or low-quality horse ("nag"), but also illiterate or rough man. There are similar words in French (roussin; rosse), Portuguese (rocim) and Italian (ronzino). The etymology is uncertain. The name is, however, a pun. On the first order, the Spanish ante means "before" or "previously". On the second order, it also translates as 'in front of'. On the third order, the suffix -ante in Spanish is adverbial; rocinante refers to functioning as or being a rocín reflexively. As such, Cervantes establishes a pattern of ambiguous interpretations present in many words in the novel. Another further explanation comes from the text itself: nombre a su parecer alto, sonoro y significativo de lo que había sido cuando fue rocín, antes de lo que ahora era ("high, sounding and meaningful name of what she has been, when she was nag, before what is now").

As the narration of the novel reads at the beginning of the book, Don Quixote thinks of a name to give to his steed in order to set out on his adventures, and chooses 'Rocinante' to establish the horse as no longer a nag.
Man that shid is looking sweet.Love the way the tank is turning out. Can't wait to see her finished. Amazing what yo can do with a little imagination.:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
Uh Trekfuel a couple words would have satisfied this simpleton but thanks.
Gee now Blanca doesn't seem so special !
I have to go back and rename her something that will confuse the average person !
Saiid, i highly doubt if there is a simpleton bone in your whole body...I picked the name because I loved Cervantes novel 'Don Quixote'...his horse's name was Rocinante and took him on his tilting with the windmills...rescuing damsels in distress...if you haven't read it I would highly recommend it...I am a bit of a dreamer and Rocinante is my mythical horse to take me on adventures and away from the staggering boredom that life serves hence....
Stay tuned for part II tomorrow...The camera does not do justice to the real color...looks like a red color on should see it in is da bomb...
2hip I am so simple I would be happy with a cabin in the woods.
Just would need a paved road for Blanca !

Blanca is my 'Silver' and everytime we ride it's
Hi Yo Away .........
the project is coming along nicely from what i see. i am sure the hours put into it will be well worth the wait. :beerchug: