The bike is a bit of an odd looking beast. It looks more like a dirt/enduro bike with the handlebars.
I'm not used to the noise that a V-twin makes, so that was a bit odd. The riding position was fairly comfortable, but felt like a dirt bike.
Very neutral handling, and very easy to throw around corners. It doesn't look as nimble as it is. I think it's a 1000cc, and it has a surprising amount of torque. Controls and ergonomics sucked. Due to the very upright riding position, you have to look waaay down to see the tach, speedo. I'm also tall, so maybe that had something to do with it.
Overall a good ride, but I don't think I would ever buy one as the styling just doesn't do it for me. My buddy rode my Busa, and he had a nice smile on his face. It was weird seeing someone else haul booty on MY bike.
After our fantastic ride, I'm thinking I'll spend some money on the suspension to make the bike handle a bit better. The stock spring is very light, especially for my weight.
Any suggestions on rear shocks? I'll probably have a valve/spring job done as new front shocks are too expensive.
I'm not used to the noise that a V-twin makes, so that was a bit odd. The riding position was fairly comfortable, but felt like a dirt bike.
Very neutral handling, and very easy to throw around corners. It doesn't look as nimble as it is. I think it's a 1000cc, and it has a surprising amount of torque. Controls and ergonomics sucked. Due to the very upright riding position, you have to look waaay down to see the tach, speedo. I'm also tall, so maybe that had something to do with it.
Overall a good ride, but I don't think I would ever buy one as the styling just doesn't do it for me. My buddy rode my Busa, and he had a nice smile on his face. It was weird seeing someone else haul booty on MY bike.
After our fantastic ride, I'm thinking I'll spend some money on the suspension to make the bike handle a bit better. The stock spring is very light, especially for my weight.
Any suggestions on rear shocks? I'll probably have a valve/spring job done as new front shocks are too expensive.