Rotor question


Going back once again to my ingenious disc lock episode. The dealership says that the rotor is damaged bad enough to where I had to sign a waiver to get my bike back without having them replace it. A new rotor is $300 or better. My question is does anybody have experience with EBC Prolite Discs? With my racer discount, I can almost get a pair for the cost of one stock rotor, though there's a full page warning telling me how they're not for road use in the box. The full floating setup is suppose to provide more stopping power, so I can't see why this would be bad.

Thoughts, suggestions?

Thanks both! I'll check that out. Talked to one of the racers at the other shop and he had nothing nice to say (hell, he went off on a tangent since they seized up mid-race on him) about the EBC discs, so you're alternatives look like the way to go.

Is there any option of getting them machined? Just curious, although it might be a hassle to remove the floater "rivets" this could be an option. Maybe someone knows a place that does this?