It started last october right before i put it away for the winter. My bike struggled to get past 120 mph....So i was thinking it was my clutch. This week I changed my clutch and threw in new plugs. this morning i took a ride and same thing happen. So i threw in the clutch lever a revved it ..the Rpm's started breaking up around 6500 all the way up to 9000 rpm. The only thing I threw on it for mods are 2 yoshi slip ons and the marble mod . I have 11,700 miles on the bike. Bad fuel pump? I am not sure on that because i can hit the limiter when I rev the motor in nuetral after the break up point. It's a 04 so i cant change the fuel filter.( in the pump) Should I try a fuel injector cleaner,dry gas or a gallon of race fuel to try to clean the fuel lines?