Running Problem PLEASE HELP


2007 Hayabusa, Short Velocity Stacks, Air Box Mod, Clutch Modd, 1 down front sprocket, PCIII and its lowered...

Heres the problem, when accelerating in 2nd gear when i hit 7-10k ( changes from run to run) i have a hesistation, its like the bike shuts off... I've disconnected the PCIII, I've given it +4% more fuel, -4% fuel it only does it in this gear and only in the RPM range any ideas?

I'd be questioning the air box mod. Can you go back to stock and see what happens?

Dude you probably have a bent shifter fork on you're second gear,I also have the same problem.I pretty much baby it in second, no sense in making the problem worse, I'm just going to wait until winter split the cases and fix the problem. There is tons of info about this issue. All it takes is one good mishift to create this problem.I also thought my bike was cutting out, but after reading numerous posts on this board I know what the real problem is.
it doesn't pop out its like the bike shuts off or something so much for making every pmra race this year... time for some warrenty work
What was the last thing you installed before it started doing this? i was going to say something bout second popping out, or the chain slipping if its not tight or the sprockets rounded. but you said you cant hear anything. once when i was dragracing my 03 k1 i had it low enough on fuel that when accelerating off the line through 1st and 2nd it would hesitate violently cause the fuel would move away from the fuel pump.
the chain was loose but when i installed the sprocket it we made sure the chain was tight, the rear sprocket is fine. i didn't notice it till we did the clutch modd...
hhhhhmmmm, well as a technician i would advice you to start with tearing down and inspecting the installation of the clutch mod first. whats your location, if your racing in the pmra circuit then you might be close to me and you could bring it by my shop. can you notice the problem in any other gear? are you sure it doesn't do it in 1st too?
nope only in 2nd i'm located in wichita the local guy that did the clutch mod is checking it out tomorrow.. it may be time to trade in on an 08
cool well let me know if you want me to look at it some time, im about 1 1/2 hours from ya. if its a gear problem that wouldnt be uncommon. im rebuilding tranny on gen 1 busa this weekend as a matter of fact
My bike does that too, I have an 03 with about 16k miles on it, my range is around 4-6k that it does it so I try not to stay in 2nd gear for too long
What city in kansas are you in moody?
I was going to pull my tranny over winter and send it off to get undercut and get new shifter forks but I decided to go to Phoenix for 2 weeks and party away $2k
Guess it'll have to wait til next winter
with your mileage javie i wouldnt put it past the gears popping out in 2nd. im in caney kansas next door to coffeyville kansas where the big flood with the oil spill was last july. topically you will be looking at aleast two gears and one shift fork, but when i tear into them i like to replace any gears that have wear on the dog ears and shift forks just for possible future issues. depending on you the main way you ride your bike is whether i would advise you to go ahead and spend the money on undercutting the gears
My '06 Busa had this exact same problem. It was a bent shift fork and that caused second gear "dogs" to wear out causing the slip. Suzuki would not warranty it. The first time it had only 8500 miles on it and now at almost 19,000 miles it is doing it again. I don't abuse my Busa too much, mostly it is my daily commuter. Undercutting the gear dogs on 2nd gear and installing billet shift fork shafts should fix it. I will be doing this repair soon..........