Sad Day for Doc...


Donating Member
Well... I am down to one busa! I had to sell my original and long time friend, the '01 blue/silver. I had 18k wonderful miles with that bike... Several trips to LA, Laguna Seca, Moab Utah, Lake Powell, etc., but I need to pay some bills off and cull the herd.

It will be a sad morning looking into the garage and no blue/silver... especially since the turbo is blown-up again...
Dang Doc ...maybe you should have sold the turbo.... You know the blue and Silver is the fastest production color Suzuki made
Sorry to hear that Doc. I think that the reason that you're having turbo problems is because it's on the silver/gray. It's resisting you because it doesn't need it. You should have put it on your blue/silver. You wouldn't have any problems then..
Sorry to hear about your loss. I send my deepest regrets and will pour out a forty for you.

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Doc...We all know that your probably working on the master plan and that parting with this Busa is just a part of that...We'll be looking out...
Yeah, I'm with BigBS up just did someone else a huge favor and introduced them to the BUSA!!!

Sorry for your loss though...just try to hold on to the memories
Yeah thats sucks Doc kinda sucks we can't always keep them all but man you must have a huge garage to support the bike load and the car load as well been there i'm thinning my heard down also gona try and be down to 3 to 4 bikes insteada 7
Hey, I'm going the other route. Congrats on the sale. I know it's hard, but you still have some other steeds to saddle up!
You guys are the best. Yeah, it was really odd. I went to get the new Pirelli's mounted on the '01 and the guy at the shop asked me if I wanted to sell it... I said, maybe, he said give me your number... within a few days a guy called me, I told him what I wanted (FIRM) for it, last night he showed with cashier's check in HAND! WOW. That was fast.

Yeah, I am going to try owning just one for a while... However, don't be surprised if I buy a neglected/wrecked one and start a new project (NON-TURBO).

BTW, I would have sold the turbo in a heart-beat if I could have gotten even 2/3 what I have in it. Sure, I lost thousands on the '01, but I had it for two years and definitely got my money's worth of fun. I MIGHT have put 2k miles on the turbo over the past year, and at least 6 months of the last year, the darn thing lived at the shop getting fixed. It is sitting in my garage right now, dieing from a blown head gasket...

My advice to the Busa world... add a pipe (for sound), maybe a BMC filter, and LEAVE IT ALONE! Do all the Bling-bling you love, but don't mess with the internals unless you want to lose reliability... that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!

Thanks again,
