Salt water for fuel


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well the lady said it at the end and it will most likely happen the major car companies will buy his invention and it will never be seen again and that really suxs
i thought O and Si were the most abundant elements?

still.. without knowing the specifics it's pretty interesting..
(rubber2burn @ Jul. 04 2007,12:39) well the lady said it at the end and it will most likely happen the major car companies will buy his invention and it will never be seen again and that really suxs
yup...either oil or car manufacturers. say buh bye to it, cause this is the last we'll see of it.
Hydrogen is the only water based fuel I know of and it's not practical at this time. In the 70's a fella had it and had a few fleets running on it. It has resurfaced in recent years, but they just can't do it yet. 0 pollutants