So I bought the bike, and these parts were part of the deal. Not installed, brand new Sato Racing Reverse Shift and lowering pegs. I have come to the conclusion that I am not comfortable with the reverse shift idea. What I do like is that I can lower and push the pegs back. Question is, is it possible to keep this set up and reverse the reverse shift by flipping the gear shift bracket upside down? Or am I going down a rabbit hole?
If so what is available to lower and move both pegs back, I am 6'3" and the stock set up is not going to work for me! I hate to sell the bike, but if I cannot lower these pegs I will have no choice, it is extremely uncomfortable to ride at me leg length. TIA!!
If so what is available to lower and move both pegs back, I am 6'3" and the stock set up is not going to work for me! I hate to sell the bike, but if I cannot lower these pegs I will have no choice, it is extremely uncomfortable to ride at me leg length. TIA!!