save the dragon

wouldn't it take an exorbitant amount of work to put a "highway" thru there?? doesnt seem feasable or realistic IMHO
There is nothing on the resort page about it. I'll give them a call to day at lunch and see if they know anything.
Never underestimate the power of your states DOT people. They really don't care about any landmarks, as long as they can keep their budget up they would pave over a graveyard.

Heck, a few years ago at Manassas battlefield in Manassas,Va there was a group of housing developers that wanted to build on that historic site, and the state was considering it! That is, until the general public heard about it.
There is some info on about the I-3 project.

It is a very touchy subject and a public forum was scheduled for a few weeks back.

If the new road was built, tourist towns like Robbinsville would all but dry up. That area really depends on the money being brought into the area by motorcycle groups and car groups.
this is a pretty real deal, they are talking about 50Billion ... yeah BILLION dollars for this hiway

I signed the petition, you can read more at as they are actively fighting this one
Lookin' for the link, it will be signed momentarily. Got it. Our internet watchdogs insist on making anything worthwhile difficult to do. They claim "The internet can be a powerful work tool if used properly."

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Some more info on the I-3 project:

I-3 opposition

Keep in mind, even thought you may never ever ride the Gap or be in the area but your faviotite set of twisties could be next.

Help all of the locals out and get your name on the list. I am there 7-10 times a year.

The AMA even needs to be contacted. point in me signing!!! I dont live in the I dont think my opinion matters
The Dragon is a piece of America we need to preserve for future generations to enjoy.