Scary books


oRg Gal
Staff member
I'm an avid horror buff...the gory stuff, scary, makes you not want to walk down the hallway kind of stuff...

Today's movies don't cut it anymore and I'm always up for a good book...I've read so many now, not much scares me in written form either, well aside from some of the drivel I read here LOL

So, who's read a really great scary book recently? Give me some ideas so I can go shop online...I'm bored...

I figured someone would put something like that up! Talk about scary indeed, though I have to say there's not much in politics that isn't frightening as hell
I've read all of the SK books (my favs) and Dean Koontz, Clive Barker, Peter Straub...loved reading The Exorcist and of course all of the books by Thomas Harris (Hannibal Lecter's creator)

Nope, I'm out of really good books...found one on Amazon that has great reviews even though it's from 1979..."By Reason of Insanity" by Shane Stevens...hrmmm, maybe I'll get it...
You like any kind of science fiction/fantasy? Ender's Game is a great book by Orson Scott Card -
Also, The Corps series by W.E.B. Griffin is awesome, but I may be a little partial there..
No horror, but decent books...
(MC MUSTANG @ Oct. 24 2006,15:54) You like any kind of science fiction/fantasy?  Ender's Game is a great book by Orson Scott Card -
Also, The Corps series by W.E.B. Griffin is awesome, but I may be a little partial there..
No horror, but decent books...
Not so much...I've read some science fiction, but I really like having the living crap scared out of me "late at night, afraid to run to the bathroom because someone might be hiding in the shower or waiting in a side room along my hallway to grab me" kind of deal LOL

All my recommendations were covered between the name King and RaveCrusader's article there, so meh.
Check out "The Iceman: Confessions of a mafia contract killer." Very disturbing and scary. I just finished it. Once you get past the first 100 pages it lets off on the scaryness a bit so keep going. It's so scary and disturbing because it's true stuff. Very well written also. It's a real page turner.
I have to agree with ya Michelle .....Steven King is the King of horror books ! Sad thing is .....most of the movie versions of his books STINK !
one of my favorite books this time of year is haints,witches and boogers by charles edwin price.its about ghost stories from upper east tennesse(where im from)most arent really scary but a couple of them kinda spook me from time to time.also the bell witch story is good,you can pull it up on the internet.
(Warputer @ Oct. 24 2006,17:08) I have to agree with ya Michelle .....Steven King is the King of horror books ! Sad thing is .....most of the movie versions of his books  STINK !
A few notable exceptions:
The Green Mile
The Shawshank Redemption
(VaBusa @ Oct. 24 2006,12:52) I've read all of the SK books (my favs) and Dean Koontz, Clive Barker, Peter Straub...loved reading The Exorcist and of course all of the books by Thomas Harris (Hannibal Lecter's creator)

Nope, I'm out of really good books...found one on Amazon that has great reviews even though it's from 1979..."By Reason of Insanity" by Shane Stevens...hrmmm, maybe I'll get it...
Have you read Straub's "Lost Boy Lost Girl?" It's a pretty good little novel. I used to be an avid reader of Koontz back when he produced higher quality plots and subplots, like "Strangers," and "Whispers," "The Door To December," and even some of his newer stuff like "One Door Away from Heaven." But lately his prose just isn't doing for me.

Hey, King's "Bag of Bones," is probably one of my favorite novels by him. It's not so much scary, but it's a great read.

VA, have you read Clive's "Coldheart Canyon?" It wasn't so much scary either, more of a ghost story, but it was pretty good. Also, his older stuff, such as "Damnation Game," is good. I really enjoyed that book. If you want to be scared out of your mind, try Joyce Carol Oates', "Zombie." It a tiny book, but very well written, and scary as hell, at least from my perspective. Also you might want to give Richard Laymon a try. I always enjoy his stuff: "Resurrection Dreams," was okay, "Night In The Lonseome October" was good, "Endless Night" was awesome. He's got alot out there. Also, if your bored with pop fiction, try anything by Rudyard Kipling, Ambrose Bierce or Walter Benson. Perceval Landon has some entertaining shorter stories out there too, also Nikolay Gogol.

Anyway, just my two cents.
Thanks for some ideas guys!!!  I'm writing 'em down so I can go shopping for some new books...

Hadn't heard of many of those Busa_05; been falling behind with most of my old favorite authors since the kids came along
 Thanks so much!  