Scorpian Slipons


One of the Few, the proud -
Donating Member
Just finished installing the new Scorpian titanium slipons. Great sound, improved midrange, and I think they look great. I dropped a good 10 to 15 pounds. Any how, let me know what you all think. I went for the slipons because after riding the great roads around Laguna Seca, Holister and Salinas I know I have all the power I need.
They look great Dan, too bad I can't hear'em

Maybe if you rev'em up real loud, I'll hear from Santa Monica....those would be loud pipes!!!
Thanks guys, I really am happy with the way they look, and they really sound great. Maybe I can record a short video so ya can hear. Jim, I hope your luck is getting better. Hey Charles, those really would be some loud pipes if you could hear them in Santa Monica, LOL. Any how, glad I got them.
Oh yeah, those look great Dan!
And you sure know how to use all that power, it was great riding with you.
Lookin' good man. Different, too. First annibusa I've seen with the blued cans. Different is GOOD.
I have been searching and can't find a lot of information about them on the net. Can you give a lost soul some contact info?
Never mind! I'm just stupid today. Found a couple good links. Copper, did you add a PC3R or do you really feel the 3 to 5 HP gains without the remap? Here's a link to the sound page to hear what the manufacturer says they sound like on a 'Busa <a href=""> Scorpion Exhaust <a>. It would be great to know if they actually sound like this on the bike!
Thanks for all the complements guys. Hey Owen it was great riding with you too. Really wish we could do it more often. I knew it would look pretty different when I got them but like some of you said, change is good. I've ridden the busa with the Scorpions on twice now, and there is a definate increase in midrange. I put a K&N filter on while we were at Laguna Seca. Maybe that and the new pipes are the reason for the power. Not sure. There is definately a very noticable increase in the midrange. Not sure if it's 3 to 5 hp but the incease in midrange is noticable and substantial. Big B Busa when I talked to the factory rep at Laguna Seca. He said there would be a 3 to 5 hp increase, but I would really notice it in the midrange. He was dead on. By the way I have listened to the sound bite on the scorpion web site, and the pipes sound way better in person. The factory rep said a PC was not needed, just bolt them on and have fun. He was right no PC.
Thanks, Copper! I think you may have helped me make my decision. I think the price is also great for something that will provide looks and power improvements. Do you know of anyplace I can find pics of the carbon fiber cans?
Glad I could help. If you get the scorpion system let me know what you think. Sorry I can't help you with the pics of the carbon fiber cans, but I did see the cans at the races, and they look just like mine, very nice, but in carbon fiber. I think the sound will be the same. I have a scorpion brochure they gave me at the races, I could mail that to you if you shoot me an E-mail or PM with your address.