

That's right - I can't let BW have all the fun. On my way to work yesterday morning, I stopped off at Mobil to pick up a tank of gas and a screw in my rear tire!

No sooner was I back on the road to work than the SmarTire began flashing it's little <span style='color:orange'>(!)</span> <span style='color:teal'>-7</span>, indicating that my rear tire pressure was 7psi low.

Now, from time to time, the SmarTire system has given a false indication - it seems that sometimes its signal gets corrupted and it misreads temperature, which causes it to miscalculate the correct pressure. So I pressed the button and saw that my pressure was down to 41 (should have been around 48 after 30 miles of riding).

This was clearly a slow leak, so I continued to work (5 miles) where I knew I would find BW and his plug kit. Which I did, plugged the tire (2500 miles on it), and got another friend to pump it up for me...

Now - did someone mention an Avon Road Hazzard Warranty? I can't find any details about it on their web site...
I talked to the guy from Avon stateside.
The road hazard is for tires that have had less than 1mm tread wear.
The Avon guy equated 1mm to 1k miles.
That's .040"

I had only 600 miles on my Storm when it picked up a screw. I've replaced it, but am sending the punctured tire to them on the outside chance they will replace it.
There is a mod I forgot about (SmarTire ) So I guess I will order it and install the sensors when I change my tires!
Bet you are glad you had it, nice to know things like loosing air
(05BusaLe @ May 25 2007,18:36) There is a mod I forgot about (SmarTire ) So I guess I will order it and install the sensors when I change my tires!
Bet you are glad you had it, nice to know things like loosing air  
There have been times when I wondered whether the SmarTire was a good investment.

Yesterday was not one of those times, and in fact has probably eliminated those times. The thing that really impresses me about it is that I didn't have to wait for someone to pull up next to me and tell me I had a flat - I knew right away that my tire was losing pressure. Without the SmarTire, I'd have continued to work with no problems and had a flat when I came out for lunch.
(CrashTestDanny @ May 25 2007,22:32)
(05BusaLe @ May 25 2007,18:37) Oh heck where can I put it,

GOOD LORD!!!  What is all that stuff?!?!?
Starting at the top,
Air fuel ratio gauge, Front radar/laser detector, NOS pressure Gauge
Shift light
Radar detector
Rear view monitor, GPS
and lastly Power commander screen!
Like I said where will I put it?

I was just researching the Smartire and I found one page that sais they were not making any more for motorcycles. But they have enough parts for current stocks warranty period. I think it would be a good investment. Not sure about the fact I possibly couldn't get replacement parts.

Of course, that's not the end of the story... with only 2500 miles on a brand-new Avon Storm, I decided I was going to get this one patched and ride another 2500 on it - even though it was already badly cupped. So I took the rear wheel to one of the local shops that is not affiliated with a dealer and had the man patch my tire. Got the wheel reinstalled and rode around only to discover that the tire was now leaking!

Took a look at the repair and the guy used a mushroom plug that looked to be about double the size of the original screw... Which means he used his rasp on the thing to drill the hole out and that's why the dang thing's leaking again. Well, I made arrangements to bring the whole bike over to him Saturday and let him correct his repair, but he was not there at the agreed upon time Saturday. Then found that the tire was holding air for the time, so Dennis and I put on about 80 miles to get lunch and ride around. Didn't lose 1psi during that ride. Sunday morning, however, woke to find the tire flat (good news is it was only flat on one side - and in the middle!
) and it's been leaking ever since.

Took the bike over to the guy today after he did not answer my calls most of the day and he said he'd take care of it if I left it, but no guarantees when he would get to it... Seeing the huge backlog of bikes he always has and not wanting mine to become one of them, I instead took the bike to one of the local STealers and ordered my new Avon Storm...
(wirles @ May 28 2007,20:40) I was just researching the Smartire and I found one page that sais they were not making any more for motorcycles.  But they have enough parts for current stocks warranty period.  I think it would be a good investment.  Not sure about the fact I possibly couldn't get replacement parts.

Yeah, it seems like they are not planning to sell it for bikes anymore. I can't imagine that nobody will fill the gap though. This is something every bike should have!
I'm certainly no expert but ... is it even a good thing to run on a plugged tire or patched? At ZR speeds? I wouldn't stop thinking about it. Have 6000+ on a pair on Continental Road Attacks - still lots of tread ... includes a track day, 2 trips to the Dragon ... awesome tires.