Second Hayabusa in the works


Hello everyone its been a while since I have been on the forums. I joined in Feb. of 09 when I got my 06 Hayabusa. By Aug. of that same year I had to sell the bike for financial reasons. So I kind of drifted away from the sight. Seeing pictures of other Busas was just to painful LOL. Well so here is what I have been up to during the time I have been away. I talked myself into believing that since I was getting older and have three kids and a wife that I shouldn't ride sport bikes any more so in 2010 I purchased a cruiser. Yeah I know but dont flame me till my story is done.

All was good until March of this year. I was on a road trip from IL to KY and then I had planned on running into TN and NC before heading back home. Well about three hours into my ride a seventeen year old kid decided to cut my trip short by pulling out in front of me at a intersection. I was running the speed limit which was 55 when I saw him start to pull out from a dead stop at the last possible second. I mean just 1-2 seconds and I would have been past the intersection. I was able to slow down some and vear to the right just enough to not go through the passenger window. I ended up hitting the car just in front of the passenger side front door and was knocked out on impact. I woke up about 60 ft from the car face down on the highway.

Best I can tell from the damage to my suit, helmet and the Grande Marquie that I hit. I bounced of the window pilar and went flying through the air. I landed on the left side of my head and shoulder slide for a few feet then flipped over several times. I guess that $900 or so bucks I spent on gear instead of an exhaust finally paid off after all these years :laugh:. If not for the helmet and suit I would either be dead or at the least paralyzed or brain dead. I hit the car hard enough that they had to tow it away. The whole passenger side from front to back hand damage from the debri from my bike. Thanks to the gear I suffered not one ounce of road rash and no spinal or head injuries.:rulez: However I did fracture my fib in my right leg just below the knee and I crushed the knuckle and broke the bone of my middle finger on my right hand. The bone broke on an angle from the knuckle to about half way down the bone. Thus the need for sugery and my new titanium parts. Always thought I would have those on the bike and not in me.:rofl: So after three months of therapy I was finally able to go back to work.
For anyone who is still reading this long story here is the good part. The kid that hit me had a good policy so I will be coming into a little bit of cash lets say in the next month or two. So I will be able to purchase another bike. Needless to say after facing death and surviving I can clearly see that I never want to own another cruizer again. Plus the wife hated the cruizer. She loves the power, speed, handling and stopping abilities of a sport bike. She was always scared of the cruzier because it was a pig. I was always draging the pegs and she didn't like that either. I am definately going with a Gen II. Only thing is I am not sure if I want to go with new or used. I have always wanted an 08 in Blue and Gold but it would be nice to own a new bike for once. Then again the $4000-$5000 I save on buying a used one will buy a lot stuff for the 08. Oh and I will finally be able to get the wife the Ninja 250 she wants. She said that she is tired of looking at the back of my head. Oh and before anyone asks I don't have any pictures of the accident. For what ever reason the cops didn't take any pictures. Since I was out cold most of the time and strapped to a board I didn't get to take any either. The one thing that I will never forget about this accident was the first person I saw when I woke up. He was a motorcyclist who had stopped to help me. He was only gear he had on was a do rag and sunglasses. I just thought that was ironic. Well thanks for listening hope to be around for a while this time. I love the site and all its info.
Wow, glad to see that you made it through okay and planning on getting another Busa. New or used is a tough call, but there are a lot of used bikes around these days. And now you definitely know that gear is a good thing.
Glad you made it out. The gen II's are all the same except color. I would find a good used one and save some cash.

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Glad that you came out of that one without any RoadRash. ATGATT. Two thumbs up.

Whatever you get, enjoy.
Welcome back friend. Hang this time! Glad to hear your alive! I suggest new myself! Used in my opinion you just don't know what your getting.

Viper on iphone!
Congrats on living through this, your wise planning with the gear, and your courage to ge back on a horse after being thrown. Good luck with your new Busa!
Welcome back friend. Hang this time! Glad to hear your alive! I suggest new myself! Used in my opinion you just don't know what your getting.

Exactly what I am thinking this time. I have owned 9 bikes in the last 19 years and they have all been used. Now none of them have been basket cases but everyone of them needed work to get up to my standards. You know the usual tear everything down to the frame and go over it with a toothbrush. Then change all the fluids and so on. For once I would like to own a new one. All depends on what kind of deal I can get on a new one. Anyone care to share what they paid OTD for a new Busa in the last year or so. Please include details on how you haggled the deal and if you got anything thrown i for free.

Thanks for the welcome backs. I am just glad I am a live to be here. I know the gear saved me but I thank the Lord everyday for saving my bacon. Because no amount of gear will save you if your number is up.
Glad to hear your ok and that the accident hasn't put you off riding.
I would go with new, like others have said you know what your getting then.
Anyway good luck whatever you decide and ride safe.
Thanks. Only thing that will ever put me off of riding is if I am physically unable to do so. Of course the wife wants me to up my life insurance now LOL.
Go with New. You never know how someone else treats there bike. Also to make sure to get all new gear. Ride safe.
I have to buy new gear. The suit has holes in it and the helmet is ground down on one side and the inner protective lining is all busted up. Only thing I don't have to replace is my aplinestar smx boots.