Second Look


Donating Member
Does anyone have a Second Look tank cover? What do you think of it. Is it made well with good material?

Actually they are starting back up the business. The web site is under construction now and they are selling inventory thru Tucker Rocky catalog. The restart company will use the same production staff as before so quality should not suffer. They are based near my town. I know several owners with the seat covers and tank covers. All like the product a lot.  Hope this helps.  


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I have a tank cover from them and I wish I never got it. Bike has 6000 miles now and when ever I wash her I could see fine marks from the seems of the bra that I can't wax out. Sux.
I have a tank cover from them and I wish I never got it. Bike has 6000 miles now and when ever I wash her I could see fine marks from the seems of the bra that I can't wax out. Sux.
That's not good news.

Anyone else experience this problem with a Second Look tank cover?

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