About ten years ago whilst living on a farm out west a meteor hit just back of the wheatfield ,after days of waiting to see what was at the bottom of the crater I eventually made my way down to the bottom to find a shiney gold and silver object , I took it home and thus the legend began .
Years of riding in the backwoods at incredible speed on this gift from the Gods made me realise I should share this wonder with the world .
In disguise I kept to the back roads at night only daring to show myself to the odd law enforcement officer in fleeting glimpses. It dawned on me that it was sent to me to better the realm of bikedom and show others yes they too could own such a gift that I had .Many people over the years have been given this gift of speed and beauty ,I realise now what the symbol on the tank stood for ,just a simple stylized "S" which was put there to represent what it truly is a "SUPERBIKE" , all I have to do now is too stop my liatards from billowing every time I go 200 MPH . The only thing my superbike dosn't like is Kwakanite , thats oil residue left on the road from ZX1400's that I blown away . It's up up and away on my Superbusa .
Years of riding in the backwoods at incredible speed on this gift from the Gods made me realise I should share this wonder with the world .
In disguise I kept to the back roads at night only daring to show myself to the odd law enforcement officer in fleeting glimpses. It dawned on me that it was sent to me to better the realm of bikedom and show others yes they too could own such a gift that I had .Many people over the years have been given this gift of speed and beauty ,I realise now what the symbol on the tank stood for ,just a simple stylized "S" which was put there to represent what it truly is a "SUPERBIKE" , all I have to do now is too stop my liatards from billowing every time I go 200 MPH . The only thing my superbike dosn't like is Kwakanite , thats oil residue left on the road from ZX1400's that I blown away . It's up up and away on my Superbusa .