Sheeeesh! For $55K per month...

Why would anyone in CA get married?

"That sum would be $55,000 per month, amounting to a combined $110K in child support toward Richards and Mueller. As for Mueller, she waived her right to spousal support. But she does get a takeaway prize of $757,698.70 in addition to a $1 million share of the family home, valued at $6.4 million, that Sheen is keeping. Meanwhile, Mueller gets the Mercedes, their home in the Los Angeles neighborhood Los Feliz and $45,000 in moving expenses. Sheen gets their Four Seasons Club timeshare, which Mueller has permission to use one week out of each year."
So after waiving child support, she's getting what, about the amount he would make doing 2 episodes of that craptacular TV show?

No big deal right?

Literally limitless money... must be nice, I couldn't even imagine.

Not much of anything I wouldn't do for 55k per month...
I never understood the concept of why the wife is allowed ANY money from the husband during divorce. He is the one who goes out and earns the money, so he should be entitled to keep every last cent after a divorce. Yeah child support is one thing, but anything else is stealing. Why do the laws allow this?? Anybody please chime in
I remember back in the day Patrick Ewing had to pay that amount his senior year in college. The judge based it on his earning potential. So, by the time he signed his contract he owed over a mil in back child support.

There should be a cap on child support. I think Florida has a limit on how much a person can recieve and the rest is put into a trust fund.
Charlie sheens my hero:thumbsup:

Think every man dreams they had the money to have the lady (word i was gonna use doesnt work on here), alcohol problem that guy does
At 55k a month for each, it won't be long before the 6.4 million dollar house will be up for sale. 110k in support LOL. Good luck with that.. :rulez: