shift lever...


What blue lights?
Donating Member
Somehow, I only get two gears right now.

Was on my way to bike night earlier tonight and actually riding quite calmly. Left a light and went on my merry way up to 4th gear. Once in 4th I found out that I could no longer shift for some reason. If I up-shift, then the lever sticks all the way up and if I down-shift it stays all the way down. The lever will not go back to centered without me wiggling it around with my hand ( NOT while moving ofcourse). The transmission is fine, I just can't shift for more than 1 gear either direction giving me a total of 2 usable gears. Any ideas???
most likely no one has lubed the piviot of the shifter,they are not lubed from the factory. this is the part that is held on with a circlip.
Done, problem still there.

Right now I am thinking it is the shaft return spring since it won't go back to central but everything else seems fine.  The shaft has about a quarter turn worth of free play in it as well. Will be taking it in tomorrow morning since I don't have all of the right tools for this one.

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