Where should I shift the Busa at 10,500, 10,800 for dragracing? Suzuki says it make its peak power at 9,800. Does anyone know. Where are you guys shifting and what's your MPH? "STOCK BIKES".
I was at Shreveport this weekend. I have a 99 model. Best time of the weekend was a 9.70@144. I shift at 10,800 to 11,000. I have shifted at lower rpm before did not seem to make any diference. I also ran a 9.74@144. I would post the timeslips but I don't have a scanner. Redelk has got copies of the slips and is going to post them on labusas tonight. My bike is stock. Lowered, one tooth off front, BDE clutch mod. That's it. I saw a Busa run a 9.57, stock pipes, lowered.Thats all I know about it. The stock cans were modified somehow. They were much louder than mine.
Good luck at the strip.
Busadan, do you know where the rev-limiter comes on at?

If the stock cams quit building power at 9,800(9,750 to be exact)...why would you want to go much above there if theres no power up there?

Keep the bike as close to the power band as possible.
I shift at different points, due to differences in gear spreads. 1>2 @ 10.5 to 10.8 k / 2>3 @ 10.5 k / 3>4 @ 10.2 k / 4>5 @ 10 k / 5>6 (if needed) 10 k, depending on how close to finish line. Peak hp @ 9750 rpm on dyno. Currently geared 16 : 48, with bar and slick, stock motor, 220 lb rider. Have shifted lower gears, at same rpms, with stock gearing, stock bike, no bar.
Like I said, I have tried both ways, Shifting at 10,000 and shifting at 11,500. My quickest times were shifting at higher rpm. I can't explain it. I crossed the finish line in fourth gear at about 11,000 to 11, 500. Who knows how acurate the tachs are anyway. Maybe very acurate, I don't know.
You know Frank, you have me seriously considering the Ti Force pipe. I can get a sweet deal on a Muzzy. I haven't decided yet.

[This message has been edited by Busadan (edited 12 April 2000).]
Where does the rev-limiter come on at???

One nice thing about the TI FORCE is that it comes with it's own Map.

AND, if you order one from Orient Express, they have a Map for that pipe with a "Airbox Mod"!!
because not all rev limiter kick in at the sametime some boxes do it earlier and some later also how presice is the tach reading?
One guy I was racing his came in at 10500 he wanted it warrantied sorry could not do it
rev limiter comes in at 10.800 but reads 11,200 on tach.i shift at 10.200. stock peak power is about 9500 but spread is good from 8600 to 10k so why beat it up.shift lower in the rpm if the times are not hurt.
In theory it would seem that the ideal shift point is the rpm at which by shifting to the next higher gear you bike is making the same or slightly greater hp.

In order to figure this you need a dyno run with exact hp at every 100-200 rpms and you need to know the rpm drop at each shift.

For example if you bike was making power as follows and your upshift resulted in a 1000 rpm drop. Then I would THINK the best shift point would be between 10200 and 10400. These numbers are just an example and not meant to represent an actual bike or shift point. So how about it drag race experts is my theory correct? Since I have never been on an actual drag strip this may be total BS.

9000 =50hp
9200 =51
9400 =53
9600 =54
9800 =55
10000 =54
10200 =53
10400 =52
10600 =51
10800 =50
Without getting into a long response, I'll give it a shot.

I believe the tach is off, mine goes to 11,200 before limiter. I think the limiter is 10,7 to 10,8K. JC thinks the boxes vary, he may be right.

My 1st run on the busa @ the track was 10.01 @ 133mph. Short time was 1.59, speed was low from shifting at 8500rpm, I increased shift points about 500 rpm each run at ended up with speed in mid 140's shifting at 11K+ on the tach. Of course the times went down too.

The key to best times is to maximize "average" power. This is determined by noting the lowest and highest rpms during shifts, and their corresponding hp. Then average these figures. As noted in an earlier post, the best shift points vary with the gear change. This is due to where the engine falls back to after the shift. Also noted earlier is the ram air effect, holding peak power longer.....
