Shopping for a new helmet


My current helmet is going to need to be retired before spring, it's been dropped on the ground several times, and having worn a head sock through the winter, it's been stretched out to the point of not fitting anymore.

It was an M2R flip-style, can't remember the model, but I didn't like the noise. Looking for a nice quiet helmet. I wouldn't mind giving up the flip, if necessary to fit a Wind Jammer. A built-in breath-guard would be a nice touch. I'd like to fit some kind of audio system, so space in the ear pockets would be nice.

So what helmets do you guys recommend in the $300 range that meet the above criteria?
My current helmet is going to need to be retired before spring, it's been dropped on the ground several times, and having worn a head sock through the winter, it's been stretched out to the point of not fitting anymore.

It was an M2R flip-style, can't remember the model, but I didn't like the noise.  Looking for a nice quiet helmet.  I wouldn't mind giving up the flip, if necessary to fit a Wind Jammer.  A built-in breath-guard would be a nice touch.  I'd like to fit some kind of audio system, so space in the ear pockets would be nice.

So what helmets do you guys recommend in the $300 range that meet the above criteria?
If quiet is a good concern for you I would recommend the Icon Mainframe helmet. I am on my second one now and love it. Fits very well and is seriously the quietest helmet I have ever rode with. The looks are great and the price range is in the low to mid 2 hundreds. Something to consider man. If you read anything on here about the mainframe you will see a few posts of people saying they were surprised how quiet they were.
It you're looking for a quiet helmet don't get one with any plastic bits sticking out near the ears. For instance some helmets have covers over where the visor pivots and they are what makes the most noise and are close to your ears.
In other words the more aero-dynamic then the less noise. Air friction causes a noisey helmet.

Well that's my experience anyway.
Try a Shoei, AGV or Arai, with the quick release visors.
I have an AGV XR2. Even though it has large vents its still pretty quiet.

I always use earplugs on a long spin anyway.
ICON MAINFRAME 2006 Model is going for about 250 right now and is a sweet helmet...super quiet, light on the neck, good protection, breath guard, vents which actully work, is made with com/mp3 systems and head phones in mind, and like everyone is saying Quiet. Just got mine and i love it...Best buy for the money IMHO...
Shoei RF 1000 on ebay:

I own one... great helmet and you can't go wrong for this price: $265

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I sell Icon, KBC, AFX and AGV helmets. Hit me up for the discount.
I'm a huge fan of my latest helmet which was supposed to be my 2nd "knock Around Town & Work" helmet which has since become my #1 most favoritest helmet...


a Scorpion EXO 700 w/ "Fury" model's got the most kick azz ventilation and visor system of any helmet I've ever owned or seen and this is coming from a guy who graduated from HJC's to shoei's and arai's 6 years ago...and here's the amazing part...the scorpion exo 700 msrp's at $ my scorpion collects suicidal bugs while my two shoei RF-900's set on the shelf collecting dust...and one of those shoei's is a mint cond. "Hayabusa Edition" which matches my '03 silver/graphite Hayabusa...but...even it sits while I proudly don the scorpion?
yepper...true story and..

L8R, Bill.

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Ok, now for fitment. As I have heard, all the different manufacturers use different sizing scales. What part of my head do I measure, assuming that I buy online.
Arai RX7rr4 Corsair. The only helmet worth wearing.
and the loudest helmet you can get too. You've obviously never tried a Quantum.
Im not sure if you know much about Arai's line. The different models compliment different head shapes. The RX7 is designed more for a round head. The Quantum caters to the more oblong "egg shaped" head. Now what does that make you?

Oh yea you never posted back on the 14 vs the Busa thread about Ricky's 9r. I guess you got the point.

<marquee>Read before you click the "post" button</marquee>
MrHans, the one your lookin for is called " Damnation" and it was discontinued this year, you might still find one out in the stores but thats about it.

Icon is realeasing a new helmet this year, in fact it is avb. today that is mad pimp. Lots of vints, new chin curtain to cut out noise and just looks me as hell. Ill see If i can get a price and pic for ya tonight.

Ok, now for fitment.  As I have heard, all the different manufacturers use different sizing scales.  What part of my head do I measure, assuming that I buy online.  
I think most fitting guides say measure your head right about 1" above your eyes. That is usually the biggest part of your pumpkin!