My current helmet is going to need to be retired before spring, it's been dropped on the ground several times, and having worn a head sock through the winter, it's been stretched out to the point of not fitting anymore.
It was an M2R flip-style, can't remember the model, but I didn't like the noise. Looking for a nice quiet helmet. I wouldn't mind giving up the flip, if necessary to fit a Wind Jammer. A built-in breath-guard would be a nice touch. I'd like to fit some kind of audio system, so space in the ear pockets would be nice.
So what helmets do you guys recommend in the $300 range that meet the above criteria?
It was an M2R flip-style, can't remember the model, but I didn't like the noise. Looking for a nice quiet helmet. I wouldn't mind giving up the flip, if necessary to fit a Wind Jammer. A built-in breath-guard would be a nice touch. I'd like to fit some kind of audio system, so space in the ear pockets would be nice.
So what helmets do you guys recommend in the $300 range that meet the above criteria?