Side Panels Not Fitting at Bottom


Donating Member
Pulled both side panels off for oil/filter change to include drain/flush radiator... I've done my Gen I many times with no problems. My Gen II went off very well until the last two push pins.... I tried three times to get these side panels to join properly at the bottom with the attached pictures as a end result which is not going to fly! I'm sure I've went about it wrong but sure don't know what that may be. I'm betting some of you guys have already been her and done that! What did I do wrong to get this to marry up perfect?


Gen II 1 of 2.jpg

Gen II 2 of2.jpg
easy one the side you have lapping on top should go on the botton. be sure the black plastic skirt piece is seated properly too. it has little bumps that hold it in place. the two halfs won't close unless its seated right in there. when you get it right the fairings will stay in place even without the pins (you need the pins though obviously)
99% of gen2 fairings, never fit perfect, especially after being off once.
The holes will line up, but there will be gaps, or lines that aren't perfect.
It's always been a complaint.
I'll double check on that and thanks much fallenarch!
easy one the side you have lapping on top should go on the botton. be sure the black plastic skirt piece is seated properly too. it has little bumps that hold it in place. the two halfs won't close unless its seated right in there. when you get it right the fairings will stay in place even without the pins (you need the pins though obviously)
All good now. They were not lapped incorrectly. Don’t know what I done differently but they are good to go now! Thanks bud!






