well as you can tell by my avatar...I am tattooed. I do all my own designs and tattooed most of my front torso myself, yeah ouch. The plan is to have a full shirt that doesn't show in uniform (military). Black tribal-like designs with black fills and bright red shading, and ultraviolet higlighting and patterned backgrounds. I'm about 20 hours into it, and have about 100 more, should have it complete by end of next year. The full shirt will cover everything except the nips, including armpits...lidocain (skin numb) will help there. Here's the backpiece after some touchups:
Here's some silly videos for a shop I help out as a multimedia consultant: http://www.dometattoos.com/videos/project_sharky/project_sharky.htm
Here's a real funny video of two friends of mine getting there nipples pierced! http://www.dometattoos.com/videos/pokes/ec&s.wmv
Here's some silly videos for a shop I help out as a multimedia consultant: http://www.dometattoos.com/videos/project_sharky/project_sharky.htm
Here's a real funny video of two friends of mine getting there nipples pierced! http://www.dometattoos.com/videos/pokes/ec&s.wmv