

Donating Member
took a spill on a halfpipe recently - didn't break a hip but got a bruise 12 inches end to end, from my hip to halfway down my unshaven leg. thot I'd share since you vultures like pics so much!

This is about the 3rd day of it. I'm taking pics as it changes colors!
X-rays showed nothing busted, but I'm not riding busa's, pocketbikes, for a month! ARRRRG The Doc called it a prize winner hematoma whatever that means

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get better greg.... we need ya on the 17th
and the weapon of self destruction!

yeah, trav, I would MUCH RATHER be riding, but I think I better cool it for a bit

I think a hematoma has to do with the top of your head falling off..
took a spill on a halfpipe recently - didn't break a hip but got a bruise 12 inches end to end, from my hip to halfway down my unshaven leg.  thot I'd share since you vultures like pics so much!

This is about the 3rd day of it.  I'm taking pics as it changes colors!  
 X-rays showed nothing busted, but I'm not riding busa's, pocketbikes, for a month!    ARRRRG  The Doc called it a prize winner hematoma whatever that means
I believe a hematoma is a blood pocket commonly seen in the head when you smack it so hard the skull fractures and blood forms under the skin. It can clot and become very dangerous. Extreme bruising, such as what it sounds like you have, can be considered a hematoma. Now, I am not a medical professional, this is only based on my very limited knowledge here.

Anyway, I'm chuckling at your misfortune even though I feel for you. Oh, man. I hope you heal up okay, JD.
I kind of thought you were too old for skateboarding!

Oh,, that would be me...

Sorry I missed the pic of said hematoma...
no... I AM too old for skateboarding - people tell me. You only grow old when you stop being young. But I'da fallen the same way at 20, and it would hurt just as much at 20
I took the pic down cuz it was my nekked, hairy hip and figured it might be in bad taste. I blanked out the front and the back sides, so it looked pretty stupid and hard to tell how big the bruise was.

Anybody here Skateboard? My friend says my tires don't turn well enough, you spin them and after 4 - 6 rotations they stop. I don't think they spin right also. Can I unscrew the wheel mounting bolt to loosen them? Looks like sealed bearings. I don't plan on spending a lot to fix it. Maybe $20 max

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I handled PacMan's arse...I think I can handle yours...
 Both adorable, I'm sure (stroking the male ego here)...

I would kill myself on a skateboard, nevermind me taking it to a halfpipe!
and yet again, my bum is the subject of some interesting discussion.

JD....a hematoma is simply a blood clot in muscle tissue. Be advised, though, that if left untreated, it can calcify (harden) and may lead to a more serious medical condition.

I know this because I had one in highschool. I was playing football....blitzed the line and the guard got me right in the hip with his facemask. Dang, that really hurt.

Doctors told me to take a cloth, soak it in warm water and compress the spot for 20-30 minutes each night. Reason being so that the increased temp would also increase blood flow to the area and therefore slowly dissolve the clot.

Take care of that, bro...seriously.
I ride skate boards , I have since I was probobly 12 but I haven't gotten to in a while. Loosening your wheels wont work, the bearings are probobly bad you can pick a set up on the internet or the local skate shop. I'm 32 and people are surprised whem I start riding their kids board.
I'll check into that. I wan't this to be a super cheapo venture..... $20 board from Target - guess I shoulda checked the wheel spin first

Va - you don't get to see my tush until you take me to dinner and a movie first.... I like Lobster...
i'm telling ya greg.... if you want it to be cheap you might as well forget it... cheap boards suck... get a $60+ board if you want to have something worth anything.
no... I AM too old for skateboarding - people tell me.  You only grow old when you stop being young.  But I'da fallen the same way at 20, and it would hurt just as much at 20  
   I took the pic down cuz it was my nekked, hairy hip and figured it might be in bad taste.  I blanked out the front and the back sides, so it looked pretty stupid and hard to tell how big the bruise was.

Anybody here Skateboard?  My friend says my tires don't turn well enough, you spin them and after 4 - 6 rotations they stop.  I don't think they spin right also.  Can I unscrew the wheel mounting bolt to loosen them?  Looks like sealed bearings.  I don't plan on spending a lot to fix it.  Maybe $20 max  
If your wheels are only getting 5-6 rotations and then stopping... you definitely need new bearings. You can get some decent German made for around $40 - 50 if you shop... I might even consider changing wheels as well. I just dropped around $175 putting new wheels (krytonics) and some bearings... I have a Santa Cruz street cruiser and no nobody is to old to skate.
I used to board when I lived in So Cal............................til I landed on my face after hitting a rock on a steep hill near San Onofre Beach. Hint.......don't hit the waves after scraping off some of your the time you get past the breakers, the pain really starts to intensify........what with all of the salt and stuff!!!!!

A Cheap board is like a cheap date...................easy to get on, but you'll regret it in the morning!!!!!
