I want to make my own custom sliders at the machine shop here at work. Can someone provide me measurements of ID and OD and mating surface OD etc.
Also the difference so that the left and right sliders are equally exposed after installed.
I can make these out of Aluminum, Stainless, or maybe Titanium .... Have to find an old titanium aircraft bolt thick enough to do this.
I could just buy a pair but they all have uequal fit after install from what I've seen. Plus it'll entertain me with something to do when bored. Thanks
Also the difference so that the left and right sliders are equally exposed after installed.
I can make these out of Aluminum, Stainless, or maybe Titanium .... Have to find an old titanium aircraft bolt thick enough to do this.
I could just buy a pair but they all have uequal fit after install from what I've seen. Plus it'll entertain me with something to do when bored. Thanks