Sluggish cranking issue


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So I just got my brand new bike back from the shop only two weeks ago. It had a bad power regulator (whatever that is.) Supposedly it's all fixed. So today I go to crank it up and it hesitates and barely turns over. I take a moment to breathe, hit it again and it cranks normal, but it turns over without starting up. I take another breath, hit it again and sluggish once more. One last time and it cranks over fine as if there was never a problem. The rest of the day it starts like normal.

Anyone had this happen? Any thoughts?
Measure the voltage of the battery.
It should be 12.8 volts.
It may have been down a little in charge from being worked on.
If you have one use a battery tender and charge it back up.
The day I picked the bike up, I drove 5 miles to the gas station and filled up. Upon turning the key, the bike did the same thing....??? I was worried, but hasn't done it since.

Sounds like it needs a charge...the bike needs to be at 5,000 rpm to have full
output on the charging system...if you are doing a lot of short trips around town
it won't charge up fully. If you have a battery tender, throw it on there for a few
days. A car charger with a 2 amp setting will work too, but only leave it on for a
hour or two at a time.
The Gen II doesn't have a manual choke or fast idle. You need to read the manaul. It describes what to do for given situations. Sounds normal to me, go ride and quit thinking about it. Mine hasn't had any issues in a long time, but they can be hard crankers cold or hot.
I had/have the same issue on my Gen1 and still do. I've had the battery replaced and electrical system checked out (no issues) and learned to live with it. Annoying- yes, but for the most past it's just a sluggish turner.
I'd be all over that battery, starting with the terminals being tight, check the ground connection and then charge it over night and see what you got. If you use a meter get a digital.