Smiling like a Chessie Cat today. I bought some 2006 LE wheels and tires from board member Ludicrous Speed and recieved them late last night.
Perfect! Just a pleause talking and dealing with him. Kudo's!
My 2003 will be going through several changes at the end of the month. I will post a picture diary of the modifactions for your approval. I will also have several items for sale around the fist of next month so send me a PM if intrested. No prices have been detrimed at this time. Items include front/rear rotors with pads and bolts. Front/Rear stock wheels in black. 2500 miles on Busa. All items excellant condition.
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Smiling like a Chessie Cat today. I bought some 2006 LE wheels and tires from board member Ludicrous Speed and recieved them late last night.
Perfect! Just a pleause talking and dealing with him. Kudo's!
My 2003 will be going through several changes at the end of the month. I will post a picture diary of the modifactions for your approval. I will also have several items for sale around the fist of next month so send me a PM if intrested. No prices have been detrimed at this time. Items include front/rear rotors with pads and bolts. Front/Rear stock wheels in black. 2500 miles on Busa. All items excellant condition.
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