So That\'s How it Works...


From time to time I see reference here to the idea of filing liability lawsuits against Suzuki for injuries caused by one or another component failure, should that occur.

I've been curious for a long time how a big company that builds an outrageous bike that anyone can buy can afford the liability on the product.

So at World Superbike I was talking to one of Suzuki's accessories managers in their product tent and he said they are quite limited in the accessories they can offer for the Hayabusa because of their legal dept's liability concerns.

Aha, I thought, and asked him my question. How can you even offer a bike like the Busa without liability concerns?

The answer was simple, he said. If the plaintiff/rider/whatever was exceeding the speed limit or otherwise violating traffic laws at the time of the incident, the courts are only too happy to toss out the lawsuit.

Neither of us are lawyers, but what he said has to be true, because if Suzuki was getting nicked for liability on these beauties, you know they'd disappear from the market faster than you can go from 0 to 194 mph, or thereabouts.
what do ya call 1000 lawyers at the bottom of the Pacific?

A good start.

Ok, what if I'm cruising along obeying all laws(laff) and the tensioner fails, engine locks up, back tire skids, I lowside under a cement truck and die? FUGG OFF SUCKZUKI. Manual tensioner is IN.