So very proud of my father.... Patriot Guard


Dis in my way!
Staff member
Here is a few little blurb from my fathers facebook page...... they need a new button on facebook called so unbelievably proud!!!!! The patriot guard was started by bikers to drown out the whackos from kansas that protest the funerals of our soldiers... They do a great job honoring our fallen service men and women......

Army SPC Jason Dean Hunt was murdered at Fort Hood by a Terrorist 8 months ago and buried here. After 8 months he still does not have a headstone on his grave!! Some Partriot Guard Riders are standing guard at his grave until someone puts a headstone where only grass grows.

His wife of 2 months is quoted as saying "you cant rush these things" and she has sole authority to do it. His mother and sister are devestated!! If it was a matter of money we would do it ourself.

I try not to be too judgemental in these things but this one just upsets me!! Some PGR members have been lookin at this for a while and it is starting to get some local media attention. Heard it on KTOK radio this morning. I am proud of the PGR members standing a flag line around this bare spot in the cemetary!!

Just got back from the cemetery and standing my watch.
about an hour ago
I am part of the Patriot Guard for my area and am currently active duty military. It is an honor to serve those that gave the ultimate price for our freedom. I have been to Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq and each time am very happy to return home to my family.

RIP to all who have passed on in the service to their country.
It's great to see people have good experiences with PGR. I just wish I was one of them. Thanks to your dad.
I cant handle the dumb asses that protest I would help keep them away except I would most likely shoot them so here is a huge thanks for your dad another hero in my book.:rulez:
The final part of the story....

from my fathers facebook today...

There is now a marker on SPC Jason Dean Hunts Grave!..It is brass and a little smaller than a brick. Not what we wanted and certainly not what he deserves..but it is better than that bare spot indicating an annoymous grave!! There was about 20 PGR and family members there including his mom and his sister. He will not be forgotten!! Thank you Joy and Steve!!

The grandmother asked that "Amazing Grace" be played at the funeral..The "widow" said no..."too religous" his sister pulled her car up close and put a CD of Amazing Grace in and turned it up very loud while we all circled the grave holding hands....very emotional...very impressed with the people that would stand out there for hours in this heat.

Rest in Peace SPC Jason Dean Hunts

Thank you for your service to our country....

That is an awesome story. The PGR does some awesome stuff. I am proud to have been on a few rides with them, and I will proudly continue to ride with them. They touch families lives and help with a difficult process.

If you have not looked into them, I recommend doing a ride
my utmost repsect for all that serve and protect our country and to your father and the rest of the patriot guard that do these great things, tell him thanks will ya:thumbsup: