Some pictures


Some pictures as requested when I joined, This is an awesome site, There is loads of very useful information, Im so glad to be aboard:laugh: Though I would stick a wee pic of my Tattoo in there as well

I seem to love HAYABUSA.jpg


Nice view.jpg

Out in the borders.jpg
Very nice scoot Sir!! :thumbsup:

Bet you could pick up 5 hp is they issued smaller license plates. :laugh:

via Tapatalk
The black with red was a way for me to be different to others you see going about, but the Suzuki copied me lol, as for the tat, I have both arms done with 5 loves in my life, my wife, my 2 kids, my country and of course MY BIKE ;-)
Thanks for the compliments, no it's not my Honda it's my wee mates, I had a shot and it's to small for me, but very quick through the twisty bits
Thanks for the compliments, no it's not my Honda it's my wee mates, I had a shot and it's to small for me, but very quick through the twisty bits

Stick some Maxton Dog Bones on her, 110 mm bolt centres :;):

Love the Black and Red :beerchug:

:welcome: Best regards Stretch :laugh:
Stretch, I'm intrigued here, please explain the mods in a wee bit more detail to me, this sounds interesting to me mate