Something new for you all to look at


Dis in my way!
Staff member
Hey all,

Just playing around again and thought this little page would be kinda neat for you to look at... This is a graphical view of where people are connecting to the board at. This view is only the message board and is not the gallery, movies or main page. It has the last 1000 people that have come to the site and where they are... The colors are on the legend but red is the last person and so on... It changes every second so refresh and you can see the connections move around.....

Let me know what you think


Message Board Visitor Map
Thats great!!!!Thanks:cool:
either everybody is color coded in gray... or I did something wrong.

Oh wait.. there it is...

amazing reallly... It doesn't appear to be showing me though.. haha I'm living under the grid!
ok.. who's the screw ball just outside of Wichita Kansas?

hmm?? reveal yourself!
could it be possible that I'm being routed to a city about 40 minutes away before I really go anywhere?
thats cool.. I'm hooked on it.. neat how it kinda clusters up in some areas..
hahah.. some dude on there from Guam... Gee I wonder who that could be..

Damn Pac! No wonder it costs so much to ship anything to you.. you realize your on the other side of the world from your exhaust right? lmao!
Good timing Pac.. I was just rubbin' on your with my clicker.
well hell.. it's right there where guam is supposed to be.. lmao.. you don't know?

I found it north, and slightly east of Aussie land due to map being cut in half..

yep..showed you big as day!
nevermind...I should looked with my eyes instead of my mouth.

I ain't THAT far's only a 13 hour plane trip to reach seattle, ya know?
and I'm on the further side....

I usually don't fly over India to get to the east coast....but dayum, that does look far!
Very cool, Cappy....very cool!

Man....I AM kinda out in the middle of nowhere....
haha.. yeah.. that'd be cool if I was in seattle... I'm in Virginia though..

look at the south west cornor and find "abingdon" thats me I think.