Something NO other busa owner has...


Hey all,

Just FYI this is my can cooler! It is acutally pretty sweet. Fits perfect. Got it from a guy at work that does leather work for fun. He can make all sorts of stuff. He can put suzuki hayabusa or just the kanji or whatever. They're like 20 bucks. Of course the more in depth they get, they cost a little more. If you want his e-mail addy, PM me, and I will send it to ya. :beerchug:


nice! Yeah man shoot me his email in a pm
Posted via Mobile Device
i was hoping to see something wrapped around your exhaust....
but this is pretty sweet too:laugh: jes messin around bro-nice Busa accessory, def. one-of-a-kind!:thumbsup:

+1 on the Group Buy!:cheerleader: