something to think about


On friday nite here in Las Vegas a carjacking took place not too far from where I live. Two individuals attempted a carjacking when a vehicle drove up into his own driveway. The victim struggled with the suspects for the gun, got the gun away from one of the suspects, killed one however somehow during this incident, the other suspect got away with the vehicle and departed at a highrate of speed and ran into an unsuspecting motorcyle rider, killing him instantly. Man when its your time to go, it's your time to go. A totally seperate incident sparks a totally different scenario and your dead. Thank God for the time we have here on earth, for it could be a short one.

[This message has been edited by VegasDude (edited 15 August 1999).]

[This message has been edited by VegasDude (edited 15 August 1999).]

[This message has been edited by VegasDude (edited 15 August 1999).]

[This message has been edited by VegasDude (edited 15 August 1999).]

[This message has been edited by VegasDude (edited 15 August 1999).]
You guys like luck? Fate?

You ride a bike, you put your fate in your own hands. That's what keeps you safe.

The guy who died on his bike wasn't watching.

Say hello to reality.
Can any of us watch 360 degrees around us all the time at the same time? Even if we could, could we control all.........................Going down a two lane road on your bike. A car is coming. At the last second the car swerves into you...........boom, your Fucked........just a thought..............
Ride like every one out there is trying to kill you.Don't look like a pretty girl/boy at the stop light when your on your bike,always look all around you and use your mirrors.When crossing a street look both ways never know when someone is not paying attention and run a red light and always plan on jumping on your seat to bail out if you see a T-bone coming cause your legs will not handle the impack.But like they say if it's your time there's notthing you can do,so live life to your fulliest and tell people that you love that you really love them cause that might be the last time you'll see them alive.

[This message has been edited by Cisco San Jose (edited 16 August 1999).]
Vegasdude, that's the only scenario that'll ever get me. I get frequent nightmares on that one. You couldn't do poop about it.

Usually, it's a K car driven by a citizen who just found out his bowling alley wife of 20 years just left him for a liquor salesman.
Cisco is right - ride as if you are invisible to other drivers. We've got some 80 and 90 year olds in our town that can't see semi trucks much less bikes so you may as well get prepared. Some are legally blind but since our state is brilliant enough to allow drivers over 65 to bypass any testing and simply mail them license renewals in the mail we have them wondering across all lanes without any clue of their surroundings at all. No offense to drivers over 65 but our license testing is too easy and simple anyway without bypassing it all together. This is kind of a pet peeve of mine since I've nearly been killed more than once by grannies and grandpas who couldn't see past their face and never even REALIZED they almost killed me. One old guy also TOTALLED my wife's car a few years ago - one of my kids was with her too. And rather than just simply complain about this obsurdity I actually have a solution. Adopt the licensing procedure set up by Germany!
Yes it is very expensive to get training and receive a license over there but the results would be worth it. It would also remove at least 50% of the drivers in my area.
After 20+ years of driving (most in this state) I'm convince that anyone with a pulse can get a license no matter how incompetant.

I don't see a whole lot of difference between someone who is physically and mentally unable to operate a vehicle on the streets and a drunk driver. Seems there are numerous campaigns against drunk driving (which is good) but when grannie causes traffic to come to a screeching halt because she stops in the middle of a highway everyone just smiles and drives around her.
And the cops seem to have no problem "looking the other way". They're too busy following Busa riders who might decide to speed later on down the road.

Time for night ride on the Busa. The grannies are asleep.

[vent mode off]

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 15 August 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 15 August 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 15 August 1999).]
If any of these old folks read this forum or the R1 forum, or any sportbike forum, they would be laughing their heads off. Imagine a bunch of guys and gals who brag about riding and racing regularly at well over 100 mph on public roads, running from cops, and wheeliing at every chance trying to tell some senior citizens they should't have a driver's license.

Give me a break. Ride the way you like but don't tell me that a road full of squids on liter sportbikes is safer than a road full of old people in Chevy Luminas.
Let me put it like this : Where I live there aren't too many bikers driving on top of the lane dividers/taking up two lanes but there sure are a lot seniors that do it. Where I live there aren't too many bikers running red lights because they can't see the signal lights but there sure are a lot of seniors that do. Where I live there aren't too many bikers who are legally BLIND on the streets but there sure are a lot of seniors. Where I live there aren't too many bikers who could get away with ANY of this (if they survived) but there sure are a LOT of seniors that do.

I don't do wheelies/run from cops or go over 100mph in town - I'm too busy trying not to get SMASHED by blue haired ladies in white Catallacs on 7 different types of perscription medication who can't see road signs or cars or stop lights or bikes or ...
I have yet to have a problem with a kid on a bike whether I was driving or riding but I can't count the number of times I was nearly wiped out by a senior. [My wife WAS]

There comes a time in everyone's life (if you live long enough) that you may not be capable of operating a vehicle on the road. You become a DANGER to others. I had a grandfather that was like this but he refused to stop driving even though we (my family) begged him to stop. He finally took out the side of his garage and demolished his car. It wasn't until then that he even considered the fact that he shouldn't be on the road. And the state DPS just kept on sending his license renewal to him in the mail - he didn't even have to go down and get it himself. He was in his eighties and could have easily killed someone and not even have known it. He ran over some farm animals (ducks) when I was with him once and he DIDN'T even know he had done it.

Not sure how anyone could argue with a periodical retest to be sure that one is still physically and mentally able to be on the road. EXCEPT THOSE THAT WOULDN'T PASS.

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 16 August 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 16 August 1999).]
I'm sure there are plenty of older drivers on the road that shouldn't be, and I agree with you that there should be a way to get them off the road.
The point I was trying to make is that when those sportbike riders who are proud of flaunting the traffic laws and riding recklessly on pulic roads point the finger at seniors, its the pot calling the kettle black.

The vast majority of motorcycle riders ride safely and sanely. But if you follow the sportbike forums you might get the misleading idea that most riders are speed loving maniacs that don't give a damn about laws or the safety of others.
Sherm: See new forum entitled "Busa owners: what is your age?" Retired? I almost believe it.

Todd: I had snot flying out my nose when I read your first sentence in paragraph one. Been there so many times.

I agree. The political establishment protects seniors' driving rights because the political establishment ARE seniors.

Can you see Jesse Helms on a Busa?
Yes there are sportbike riders who are out of control but sooner or later it will catch up with them either by dying or citation/arrest. Cops here go out of their way to nail kids like this. (if they can catch them) But that is a situation of lack of discipline/rebellion rather than INABILITY. It's past time I quit beating this dead horse and I know that not ALL senior citizens are incapable drivers. It just seems that we have a good amount of them and no matter who is hurt/killed it continues to be tolerated - the State even ENABLES these drivers even though a simple solution could remedy the situation. I'm not proposing special testing just for seniors - I propose periodic retesting for all ages. As bike riders our odds of survival on the road with cages are bad enough without needlessly lowering them further.
Todd I agree with you on the renewal license part but no changes will be made in the USA due to the money that comes in from the renewal,which means the insurance company makes money,the car sales people make money,the gas company makes money,the tire and aftermarket company makes money.Reduce the people that are licensed every company that makes it's living around the auto will be affected.This is the way of life in America.Wait till all the land is one big parking lot and all the streams and lakes and drinking water becomes MTB,welcome to the new Easter Island.
Politicians are also terrified of what the voting power of the seniors would do if they enacted laws to remedy the problem. That's why I hope they will pass laws that require EVERYONE - regardless of age to at least be re-tested every few years. Tests should include ability to operate vehicle correctly, knowlege of laws and physical examination. Yeah I know - I'm dreaming.