Sometimes, I sit and wonder how I did it. I work 6 days a week, have two kids and still manage to do a little over 70,000 miles in two years and almost nine months of riding. My schedule goes something like this. I work from 8:00 am until whenever. Sometimes until almost 6:30 pm. My son has Karate class Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:30-9:00pm. My daughter has piano lesson on Sundays at 1:00-1:45. My wife and I go to the gym Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays after work. Sundays, I spend my time with them just like yesterday. We were at Tyson's Corner mall from 12:30 until 5:30 pm. Not to mention the household chores. With this kind of schedule, the first year and 11 months of riding, I put over 47,000 miles on my R1. Now, my Busa just went past 23,000 mile mark yesterday and I brought her home September 27, 2007. Last year, I couldn't ride from the first week of July until the third week of September because I suffered from Vertigo. And living in Md, I don't have to explain winter time. Last February, I had a really bad flu and it triggered my Vertigo again so I couldn't ride for the whole month. This is why I ride in the dark 80% of the time. Either after 9:00 pm or between 4:00 and 6:00 am. In the morning, I call it "100 miles before breakfast." The only time I get to ride 14-15 hours a day is when there's a holiday or something (weather permitting). Sorry if it's a long post. I just wanted to share.