Sons Band concert


Just call me B.O.B
My youngest son had a band concert last night. I recorded one song with my camera so the quality isn't that great. You can't see him but you can hear him, he's playing the snare drum.

He also got a trophy last night. He made superior in his band assessment last month:thumbsup:

I can hear him well. Drums are right up my alley!:beerchug:
I can steer him away from that ballroom stuff and show him sum good Rock stuff!
Ahhh - the memories that brings back! I remember being there, too! Great job!!! Congrats to him on his award!!

I started out playing piano & clarinet, alto clarinet, bass clarinet, (then took up saxophone, bari-sax, tuba, bassoon...) but ultimately settled on drums. LOL Was drumline captain in high school, toured with the jazz-band...

My son has now taken up percussion and is doing well there! I'll need to blow the dust off of my drum set and get it setup for him LOL

As for me, I now tear it up on Rock Band...though I hear from Mrs. Grumpy that I may have competition this year at the Bash! :laugh: