Sorry for the Extra ECU/PC Thread...


like the title says, sorry to add yet another thread here, but I'm looking into getting the busa tuned now that I have a full exhaust system and the airbox mod on it. I've been trying to read up on threads regarding the two options and it seems like I'm finding more opinions that information. With that being said, I have a few questions that I hope somebody can clarify for me.

1.) I know the overwhelming majority of opinion seems to be in favor of the ECU Edit, but I don't hear much about WHY it's better.

2.) From looking at the BoostBySmith Website, it appears that I'm paying $180 for a wiring harness and a USB adapter. I have a dealership here that says they can Dyno Tune and ECU flash the Busa for me, but they dont have any of the wiring, so I need to provide it. Its been pointed out to me that it seems odd to have a shop offer a service that they dont have parts for. Is this at all normal for an ECU flash?

3.) If I were to go with a PC, which one do I need for an 07? I've heard that the PC V is for Gen II only, but on the Power Commander Website, when I plug in my bike info, thats the item it directs me to. Which one would I need, and why?

4.) I've heard of PC installs going wrong, and its pretty easy to just remove them from the system for troubleshooting, but obviously thats not really possible with an ECU Edit. does anybody know the odds on an ECU Edit going badly wrong? From what I know about computers, an error while frashing a ROM will just brick it. Then I just have a large, fancy, expensive paperweight...

5.) It sounds like the wiring harness for the ECU edit is only needed for the actual edit itself. If this is the case, why don't I hear about shops having the harness on hand, or riders passing them around to save money?

6.) I'm sure there's plenty I've forgotten, so any additional specs or details about the two systems would be awesome. Thanks in advance for any and all help here!
1) ECU Editor offers a wider range of tuning options, and a fine tuning capability beyond what the PC can do, as well as other stuff beyond even tuning, like remove the restriction in 6th gear, set your flapper valve controll for when you want it to activate your nos, or whatever...

2)some people build their own and have different connectors... so that makes sense.

3)i think PCV is available for gen1 now too.

4)chance you take- someone who's done it before should have no problem (first time was scary for me too)

5)more than just a wire, got a set of switches that can be done different ways, and options like leds, and gen1 differs from gen2... best to just have your own...

6) just go for it dude... its worth it!

hope this helps!
The ECU editor, has way more functions and you can tune fuel, ignition, limiters etc that you cant with PC. Try this site, will give you some insite to what can be done with it ECU hacking

PC 5 is now made for Gen 1, has a extra resolution on the revs site, and other odds and ends but no where near what the ECU editor can do. Its worth going to a tuner who knows what he is doing with ECU editor.

What mods have you done your bike?
awesome thread ive been lookin for hehee i to am at the crossroads of ecu vs pc but the shop im going to go to have done alot of the ecu tunning...
Most shops that flash have the interface harness, all you should need is the two wire harness from the plug to the ecu, should be less than $25. Contact Boost by Smith for the harness. Flash your ecu you won't regret it!
Most shops that flash have the interface harness, all you should need is the two wire harness from the plug to the ecu, should be less than $25. Contact Boost by Smith for the harness. Flash your ecu you won't regret it!

Yeah, I think I need to call them again. they said they "could download the software" and I'm not sure if they were just telling me that I didn't need to provide it, or if they were offering me a service they'd never actually done before. If they have experience, its a great deal, since they're asking $195 for a full Dyno tune with the ECU flash.
Northern Colorado, only place I know of in the area that claims to do ecu edits is Epic Motorsports in Longmont.