SOS Frankenstein Bolts


Seasoned Beef
Donating Member
Need help. Trying to remove them to place Tom's grills in the tail section. '06 , no corrosion or rust. Don't want to destroy or damage them.
dumb question but you did remove the black plug to use a allen head?
mine were real tight. i used a allen scoket to remove
pop the plastic cap out! then get an allen metric socket and a 3/8 ratchet and go to it you should be fine
Thanx all, dumb questions allowed when dealing with a dumbazz. Did not know, Dayum.
One more question; All screws, bolts and rivets are removed, lock as been removed from subframe, tailsection seems loose. What else needs to be done to remove tailsection ? Haven't disconnected anything for the brake light.
Grab bar off? if so then you have to spread the plastic at the front to clear the rear pass. pegs move it back as far as the light harness will allow then reach up inside to unplug tail light. That should be all.
I hope you unscrewed the lock (2 philliphead screws) instead of disconnecting it.

So many have forgotten to reconnect it prior to putting on their seat/hump and then had to go Mission Impossible to get it disconnected again.
praise be to those who were actually able to get both frankenstein bolts out. I still haven't been able to get the throttle side bolt out