Sound clips wanted


Donating Member
Looking for videos or sound clips of the HMF Bigbird or BDE Street megaphone (with and without baffle).
Need help on making up my mind whenever the time comes.
I saw MSF's video and was wondering if there are any more floating around out there.
hrmm....lemme see if I can scare up a link. Does it hafta be busa specific? I don't think the link I have is...
well, scratch THAT idea...right after I found it too...

Ya got me, pipe. I dunno where else to find any sound bytes....
come to think of it, it is kind of a shiddy link. They all seem to sound the same....same whiny engine with no real "oomph" behind the revs.
well, scratch THAT idea...right after I found it too...

Ya got me, pipe. I dunno where else to find any sound bytes....
NP pac. I figured that was the one.
I was mainly hoping for the clips of the megaphone.
Don't know if I will find any though with as new as the system is.
Thanks for your help though Pac. Appreciate it.
beerchug.gif thinking of bputting on megephone for my new K5 too... if someone post a link it will help me make a decision
Just received an email from brock.
Sorry….Our web guys have all of our new videos.

I’ll try to get them to place them on the site very soon.

In a nutshell:

Our Gen 3 systems come in at about 104 db:

The Street Megaphones are about 108 db. More aggressive, but still tolerable for street use.

Without the baffle…they are nuts…over 140 DB in the water box!


Someone please get me a video. I'd love to hear the system with and without baffle.
I have never heard the street meg but I just installed the 4-2-1 race sidewinder on my busa ( long story I cushed my Gen3 at the track) and its sounds great with the baffle in very deap rumble. I ran 1 pass with the baffle out and put it back in because it was way to loud for my taste.
Thanks for the review of the sidewinder blue.
I figured the street megaphone without the baffle would be deafening also.