South Florida Fudrucker run!


Myself and other Busa riders will be at the Ft.Lauderdale "Fudrucker's "tonight, For the usually Friday Bike Night. Anyone interested is welcome to stop by and check out the awesome motors! (A good night generates about 200 motors ). Drew Omega and his buds will probably be there tonight. Also,if anybody hears from Roberto Jorge, Please advise him too. Fudruker's Is located at Federal Highway / Sunrise Ft.Lauderdale. Ride safe!
The one night I dont go and it turns out to be the best night in ages. I got a call from the parking lot saying there were ZX12's present and TONS of busas.
Sounds like heaven right?
Next week I'll be there and the 12 owners will have my company on their ride home!
Ths spouse and I will be going to Miami from Michigan June 9th through the 23rd. Can you guys give me your ph. no as I will contact you for rides. You can e-mail me at:
when is the next run going to be, I am sure I can gather some people up from sw fl area fort myers, cape coral, naples areas to join in on the fun. I have never been on this run but many people I ride with have done this and it sounds fun. 2k r/g busa. busa you later. let me know and maybe we can get together soon for a ride.......
Roberto is working in Arizona for awhile and will be flying to Alaska for a day or two for another job on a airplane up there.He is also testing out the new Corbin seat I sold him.

[This message has been edited by Cisco San Jose (edited 01 April 2000).]