spare part after major cleanup..


enzyme of hypoverbage
Donating Member
I decided it was time for a major clean up of my 01

removed the fairings, all the plastic junk.. basically everything was taken apart, cleaned, and put back.

I have this thing left.. I believe it's something to do with the rear seat, or front seat... doesn't seem to be a major part..

as a side note.. my 'busa seems to have lost a bit of power, and isn't running as smooth as before.. I think maybe I need to reload the map for the PCIII or something.. anybody have that problem.. maybe the map was for a dirty bike.. and now that it's clean it's screwed up or something.

thats and ashtray just turn it upside down the other pieces are from a broken metal slinky
And for that loss of power you should get one of them there TRE's


Not sure about some of the bits .... but it's definitely an ashtray
That goes under the kickstand when you park on the beach or other sandy areas, Dummy. You store it under the round pop up black lid on the bubble thing in front of the seat. Boy!! Some people
looks like a piston to me....that wouldn't come form just the plastics coming off an stuff....
You guys are ALL wrong. That's the HID mounting Flange. Better check and make sure your headlights still work. Also, in the pic you show a rubber gasket...are you sure you didn't pull the chain off of a ZX-14?
chek yer oil.... yer drain plug looks like yit cam out
That's just one of those extras they throw in now and then. Or maybe it's a kit to add a fifth piston. Nah, ashtray. TRE will fix you right up.
Look how shiny it is. You are not smoker , right?
You would recognise ashtray on a spot when you see one.