speed(mph) formula stock tire ??


just thinking someone out there might have a formula for actual speed. i just saw 10,200 rpm in top gear tonight, should have stayed in it to see how hard it would pull, but i was comming up on traffic, kinda fast. i would rather make top end run in daylight, but just looking to see how fast i was really going. it was Fast, but still pulling strong.
Not quite fast enough
Its easier to get a GPS than to figure out the math.

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GPS is the only way to get a true reading of course I bet someone will have an answer for you . I bet its close to 170 .
This isn't exact but it will get you close.  Using this link:

I got 176.64mph with the stock tire!

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I was just doing some top speed runs a couple of hours ago. STOCK EVERYTHING (except Zero Gravity double-bubble screen), I got the bike to 176 mph (GPS). The Speedometer needle gets stuck at 185mph when the GPS reads about 160-165mph. At 10,200 (it was hard to see exactly), I was doing around 170ish GPS recorded.

Here is a picture of the GPS reading.
Stock Tire with 1,000 miles and a few burnouts on it.
Stock Gearing
Stock Pipes
about 10,400 rpm's (It's hard to see exactly where the needle is when going that fast... I just know that it was over 10,000 and less than 11,000)
