speedo jumps


i recently did the clutch mod and heavy duty springs.....i rode it today and didn't notice until i was putting the bike away in the garage...but when i pulled the clutch in and put the bike in 1st gear, gave it some gas and feathered out the clutch to slowly move my speedo was jumpin up and down to about 30-50mph but i was only goin about 1/2mph...what would cause this? did i put somethin back together wrong?
Did you remove the sprocket cover? If so, you may have not tightened down the sensor (single allen head holds it on)
Does the speedo work normal any other time?I've noticed mine do that too but did not think anything of it beacuse it works fine otherwise.
Nothing in the clutch would do this. the gear pos. sensor is behind the clutch basket. I"m assuming you didnt take the basket out, and I dont think that would cause the speedo to jump around. Mine does it sometimes too. It could be because it was up on the rearstand?