-19.0% could it have been off that much...i changed rear sprocket to a 42,it has some other mods..so i used the calculator and it gave me-10.8% setting,so i set this and then have the opurtunity to test it next to my buddies car,he's doing 55mph and im reading 60mph..so i go back in the calculator and now its final calabration is -19.0%...seems a bit extreme doesnt it? havent hadf the cahnce to run next to a car to ck it yet
While I was doing some of the mods, I was off by 20%. I'm less than that now because of other changes.
I just put a 43T sprocket on...I'll be checking it with my GPS to recal.

What front sprocket do you run with your 42 rear? I am going to install my healer this weekend. I am at 16/42.

Thanks -

One more thing guys... I installed a Speed o Healer before my gear change and everything was working great! Then, I went to 16/42 and needed to recalibrate the speedo again. Sooooo, I went out on the interstate (my bike has a GPS) and noticed the difference between the GPS and speedo, went back to the house and got online and used the "online calculator" to refigure how to program it. When I did, I rode it again and it was WAY OFF!!!

The problem was this: If you already have a speedOhealer installed and change gears, FIRST you have to program the healer to be transparent or disconnect it. After you have done this, THEN go get your readings to plug in to the "online calculator."

Personal experience here lol
I'm running 17/42 right now (same as end of last year) so I can't remember what the correction factor was, that sounds about right. But it was right on with the GPS. I'll chech when I get home in the morn. I change gearing several times during the season with no problems. Lear maybe right seems like once I had a problem but it was something I did. Good luck, I'll put up the factor I'm using as soon as i can.
I'm running 16/42 and mine is set to -16.5% and it was PERFECT when checked by a Lidar (Laser) gun by a friendly sheriff ( I made several passes at 50 MPH and it was dead on.) and then again verified on a Dyno @ 100 MPH.
Factory speedo is about 7% off (high) and then you have to factor in the sprocket change.  Like BA said, car speedos are typically off as well... they read FASTER than you are actually going... typically by 2-3 MPH @ 55.  Federal law mandates that a factory speedo CANNOT read slower (causing you to go fatser than your display indicates)  They are subject to HOGUE fines if found.  For this reason auto makers intentionally err on the safe side and make them read 3-5% lower... equates to 2-3 mph @ 55.  

You really need GPS, a Dyno, or a nice LEO with a Lidar gun to help you get it dialed in PERFECT.  Even then, it will change as tires wear or are replaced.
After disabling my speedohealer yesterday, I went out and got the following numbers on my bike.  I am running 16/42 gearing.

Indicated                   Actual GPS             Total error
50 mph                       43 mph                  16.3%
60 mph                       50.5 mph               18.8%
70 mph                       59 mph                  18.6%
80 mph                       66 mph                  21.1%
100 mph                     81 mph                  23.5%

On the 70 mph, I think I misread the GPS, probably was around 61 mph.  When I used the chart for "gear changes" (going from 17/40 to 16/42, the total error was 19%.  It is interesting to note that this goes well with a close average of the above.

Bottom line is this:  If you don't have a GPS and have just changed gears, use the "gear change" online calculator and use those numbers.  They assume the factory error of around 5.5% and you will be REAL close!  You can always use a GPS to fine tune it later but as you can see, I "fine tuned" mine with "indicated VS actual" speed and came up with around the same thing overall.  19.0% total error means the SH calculation will be around -16.0% and you can print the directions on how to set your SH accordingly.  Hope this helps!