After disabling my speedohealer yesterday, I went out and got the following numbers on my bike. I am running 16/42 gearing.
Indicated Actual GPS Total error
50 mph 43 mph 16.3%
60 mph 50.5 mph 18.8%
70 mph 59 mph 18.6%
80 mph 66 mph 21.1%
100 mph 81 mph 23.5%
On the 70 mph, I think I misread the GPS, probably was around 61 mph. When I used the chart for "gear changes" (going from 17/40 to 16/42, the total error was 19%. It is interesting to note that this goes well with a close average of the above.
Bottom line is this: If you don't have a GPS and have just changed gears, use the "gear change" online calculator and use those numbers. They assume the factory error of around 5.5% and you will be REAL close! You can always use a GPS to fine tune it later but as you can see, I "fine tuned" mine with "indicated VS actual" speed and came up with around the same thing overall. 19.0% total error means the SH calculation will be around -16.0% and you can print the directions on how to set your SH accordingly. Hope this helps!