Spent most of the day...


Call me Daddy...
Donating Member
I hooked up with another busa rider and an R6 rider today and we headed out. We met up at 9:00 AM near where I live and headed West into Alabama. By the time we met up and got started the fog was burnin' off and a little blue was peepin' out from behind the clouds. Turned out to be a very nice day. The ride was nice, too. It was nice to ride with folks instead of goin' by myself.
We got over 200 miles of seat time in. The other busa led most of the day because he had planned the route. The R6 swept most of the day. I led through my favorite section of road on the mountain. Tried not to slow 'em up too much with my slow azz.

Anyway, thought I'd post the pics I took. What's a ride without pics?

Here's a shot at the meetin' spot this mornin'. You can still sort of see the fog in the trees in the background.


Here's a couple shots I took after our lunch stop.


I love the blue on the R6. Nice bike.


I wanted to play on the playground...


Here's a shot of the other busa and the R6 roundin' a corner. I thought this was a neat shot.


Another shot of all the bikes.


Here's Da' Train restin'.


And the R6 again. I thought I took a shot of the other busa by it's self but evidently I didn't...


The other busa rider took some pics, too. When I get copies I'll post 'em up. Hope everyone had as much fun as I did today! It was the best ride I've had in a long time. It was nice to have someone to ride with and BS with at the stops. Gets old ridin' alone.




Oh yeah, here's a couple of scenic shots. I love this area. I could just live there and never leave.



Also forgot these two. This beautiful little creature decided to rest on Ben's tail light while we were takin' a break.


And another before we shoo'd him away so he wouldn't get hurt in the jet stream goin' around the busa's rear.
I like to call this one Beauty and the Beast. Hehehehehehe...

Ok, here are the pics Ben took.

Me and William at the pull-off...



The corner at the pull-off...


That lovely Cheaha view!


Great pics as usual BT ... glad you took some time to ride today. Sounds like it was a good day. I'm trying to go home and visit mom in 'Bama before it gets cold. You're gonna' have to tell me exactly where that trail is you all are riding. I love the view !!
very cool, BT! glad you had a good ride... and it is nice to ride with others sometimes, isn't it?!
Sweet pics as allways BT, looks like a good day and it's good to see you wearing a proper jacket... VA is next... Must get her in some real gear...

Nice looking roads too, looks like quality surfaces... Grippy...

Thanks Bro...
Great pics as usual BT ... glad you took some time to ride today. Sounds like it was a good day. I'm trying to go home and visit mom in 'Bama before it gets cold. You're gonna' have to tell me exactly where that trail is you all are riding. I love the view !!
I think today's ride was my best ride yet. I put a total of almost 250 miles on 'er from the time I left home until I pulled back into my driveway. I've never put in that much seat time on one day. Also, I've only ever rode with someone else once or twice. That makes a big difference. It's fun ridin' alone if that's all you can do, but it's much more fun to share it with others.

Cheaha is not far off of I-20. I can get you more specific directions if you want to hit it. It'd be cool if I could meet you there and ride it with ya.

Sweet pics as allways BT, looks like a good day and it's good to see you wearing a proper jacket...  VA is next... Must get her in some real gear...  

Nice looking roads too, looks like quality surfaces...  Grippy...

Thanks Bro...
Thanks Rev.
It was a great day. I was impressed with how comfortable the jacket was while we were moving. It was a little warm when we stopped but not bad as long as I unzipped it. And, ummm, I thought Va had a white leather jacket she rode in.

As for that road, that part was smooth and super clean. Very confidence inspiring. Not all of the roads at Cheaha are that nice but they're not really bad. Problem is there's ALWAYS loose gravel somewhere on that mountain. I think the park rangers must scatter it to slow us down since there's never really any LE up there.
Cool pics BT beautiful scenery
sounds like a fun day
I rode abit with my wife today to the gym and then to my parents for a barbeque
Great pics as usual BT ... glad you took some time to ride today. Sounds like it was a good day. I'm trying to go home and visit mom in 'Bama before it gets cold. You're gonna' have to tell me exactly where that trail is you all are riding. I love the view !!
I think today's ride was my best ride yet. I put a total of almost 250 miles on 'er from the time I left home until I pulled back into my driveway. I've never put in that much seat time on one day. Also, I've only ever rode with someone else once or twice. That makes a big difference. It's fun ridin' alone if that's all you can do, but it's much more fun to share it with others.

Cheaha is not far off of I-20. I can get you more specific directions if you want to hit it. It'd be cool if I could meet you there and ride it with ya.
Sounds good to me ... I'd love to ride with you. I'll be able to give you 2 - 3 weeks advance notice of my travel plans and I will be trailering the Busa down with me. Hopefully we can work around your schedule and meet up. I'll be on vacation and accept for the l o n g list of things moms will have for me to do around the house, I'll be free to ride
Maybe I can also trouble you for a few pointers on shooting digital pics too.

Heh, Last time I talked to Michelle she was still wearing that damned Hardley Ableson "Fashion" Leather. No Armor, no padding. I mean it's better than nothing, nice looking leather, but worth Fug All if she actually wants it to keep her healthy...

I miss riding in the mountains alot. We have twisties out here, and we have some hills that come pretty close. There is also some amazing riding to be done in the Spring through the orange groves... The smells are awesome, but in the end it's still just riding around in circles... I really miss riding in Colorado the most, probably some of the best roads in the country, and thin LEO coverage... I used to be able to do 8 hours, cover about 400 miles or so, and never see a LEO and never have to sit behind any vehicle for more than about 20 seconds. The roads are just perfect... *Sigh*

Im heading to Hampton beach tomorrow there should be tons of bikes ill take plenty of pics

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Sounds good to me ... I'd love to ride with you. I'll be able to give you 2 - 3 weeks advance notice of my travel plans and I will be trailering the Busa down with me. Hopefully we can work around your schedule and meet up. I'll be on vacation and accept for the l o n g list of things moms will have for me to do around the house, I'll be free to ride
Maybe I can also trouble you for a few pointers on shooting digital pics too.
Definitely hit me up and let me know your plans. It'd be great to meet you and ride.
Heh, Last time I talked to Michelle she was still wearing that damned Hardley Ableson "Fashion" Leather.  No Armor, no padding.  I mean it's better than nothing, nice looking leather, but worth Fug All if she actually wants it to keep her healthy...  

I miss riding in the mountains alot.  We have twisties out here, and we have some hills that come pretty close.  There is also some amazing riding to be done in the Spring through the orange groves...  The smells are awesome, but in the end it's still just riding around in circles...  I really miss riding in Colorado the most, probably some of the best roads in the country, and thin LEO coverage...  I used to be able to do 8 hours, cover about 400 miles or so, and never see a LEO and never have to sit behind any vehicle for more than about 20 seconds.  The roads are just perfect...  *Sigh*
Yeah, that's the jacket I was talkin' about. I knew it was a Hardley jacket and should have known it was faux protection.

I bet Colorado does have some sweet ridin'. Hell, I'd like to cruise the orange groves, too. Sounds fun. Maybe someday I'll actually make it down that way with the busa. You'll have to give me the tour.
