

Donating Member
Man, I just can't see how people can continue to afford racing. How do ya go about getting sponsors? I have talked with several people, but noone seems to wanna come off of any cash. It really stinks because this is my main hobby and I have had good success, but I guess I am gonna have to give it up.
If anyone has any ideas as to how to get sponsors, please let me know!!!!
I happened to meet a couple guys that have opened a moto shop not far from where I live. They are a race team and sell performance parts and products, and I was buying air filters, silkolene and so forth from them. They seemed like a bunch of very cool guys, and I ended up talking racing with them all the time, and eventually bought one the guys' bikes to race. As it turns out, they offered to help me out by sponsoring my efforts through giving my their dealer and team discounts for stuff like race bodies, parts...basically what ever I would need. They also have a race trailer and all the tools and know how I could ever need. They've offered to trailer my bike for me to the track if we happen to be racing at the same venue (which at this point is a given
) So, sponsorship is not always about cash donations in return for advertising; it comes in many different forms.

Anyway, as far as hitting the pavement and looking for sponsors...I really haven't a clue. I just got into racing myself, and guess I got lucky.