sport bike gathering in pittsburg



anyone interested there is going to be a sportbike event at the amphitheater on june 25th from 11.00am to 7.00pm there is a dyno shootout,sportbike show the starboyz will be doin stunts and other activities look up for more info see ya there! oh by the way its in pittsburg,pa
lyle dont really know the area look on the site there should be phone numbers its $10.00 to get in $20.00 gets you in also free t-shirt and the sport bike show thers going to be about 20 bikes so far but i'm freinds with the starboyz so that number will probably go to 75 or 100 bikes just on the ride out there will be alot of bikes out of akron going there
Need directions to the Ampitheatre from PA Tuurnpike east.


Cheap place to stay nearby?

Sounds cool. Thanx man.