
white lightnin

Just had my sprocket,bearing,and cush drives changed,but the old sprocket had 42 teeth and the new one has 40 just wondering what kind of change if any will I see.
Posted via Mobile Device
Going up teeth on the rear gives you better wheelies......so does putting a fat chick on the back. Dropping teeth should lower your RMPs at hwy speeds and give you a little better gas mileage.
Slightly better MPG, lower RPM at highway speeds and probably will not notice any change in the low end.
better wheelies:banana:

Wrong way, wheelies will be harder. Longer wheelbase and less rear teeth. Gen1 stock gearing is 17/40, gen2 is 18/43.
If he has a gen1 that was 17/42 and is now back to stock at 17/40, his gas mileage may improve slightly, his rpms will be a little lower, there will be a few more mph per gear and top end, the wheelbase will increase by about a half inch or a little more(by axle slid further back in swingarm), and the speedometer will be a little closer to being correct, as they are off 7 or 8% average stock.
But it will still wheelie easy!:thumbsup:
Might notice a little less snap down low for the stock gearing. Less torquey(new word) low end and fat chicks are only meant for harleys, Its in the harley manual and I believe the purchase and sales agreement.