Question "Why risk a good bike for a little showing off?" I just don't get it. Watch others around here do the same thing and I'll give ya it looks good, but why risk it?
I don't know, they're morons. I wheelie every once in awhile, but not like that.
Fitting song, and OUCH! Some of those guys had some NASTY accidents. I don't see how you can do that kind of stuff, and NOT wear a helmet. Too much cock and balls, and not enough brains I guess.
I just can't enough of laughing my a## off everytime I see those idiots bite it. I especially love the second vid where the idiot lunches his bike into the back of the car, and the camera man is dropping the camcorder...and it pans right past a silver and black helmet (the biker, of course, was wearing nothing on his grape but a pair of cheesy black stuntman-type shades)...
I just can't enough of laughing my a## off everytime I see those idiots bite it. I especially love the second vid where the idiot lunches his bike into the back of the car, and the camera man is dropping the camcorder...and it pans right past a silver and black helmet (the biker, of course, was wearing nothing on his grape but a pair of cheesy black stuntman-type shades)...
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I know I'm going to get so made fun of. I'm the new guy and I've got to ask what the reference to squid mean?? Be gentle
I know I'm going to get so made fun of. I'm the new guy and I've got to ask what the reference to squid mean?? Be gentle
link squid = squirrely kid - too much bike, too little brain. tend to take extreme risks, minimal gear, brand new sportbike, tend to park it in turns and go into high warp on the straights.

hooligan - failry experienced rider who nonetheless rides aggressively, tends to be a 'scofflaw'. wears safety gear, usually not flashy. bike also will be operationally solid but not pretty

So what does SQUID really stand for? It’s an Acronym, SQUirrely kID: 1. In reference to younger motorcycle riders with little respect to posted speed limit laws, self safety or safety of others. 2. Inexperienced newcomer, someone trying to ride beyond his skill level with arms flailing (like a squid) to try not to fall. This may be just a Southern term. 3. Stupidly Quick, Underdressed, Imminently Dead. 4. Any SportBike Rider -- seems this term got twisted along the way and has many meanings. 5. Sportbike riders who wear tennis shoes or flip flops, shorts, T-shirts, etc. on their nice shiny new sport bikes. 6. Anyone who rides without all proper gear, rides recklessly or rides beyond his limits
I just can't enough of laughing my a## off everytime I see those idiots bite it. I especially love the second vid where the idiot lunches his bike into the back of the car, and the camera man is dropping the camcorder...and it pans right past a silver and black helmet (the biker, of course, was wearing nothing on his grape but a pair of cheesy black stuntman-type shades)...
people like YOU.................................... are the reason I post these  
Well, you can keep 'em comin', bro. Smiling and lauging are both good for soul...even if it's an evil-type laugh I suspect.






Some times you have to laugh at the Squids but then also shake your head is amazement of their stupidity.
Cool video of people doing stupid stuff. I seriously doubt that the camera girl in the last clip will ever volunteer to sit down in front of a bike for the "ultimate endo shot" again!
One dude there at the end, comforting the endo crashing fool has bandages on both hands, up to his wrist, consistent with the injuries to the guy who put his bike into the back of the car. Wonder if it's the same crew? If so, I wonder if any of them can ride?
One dude there at the end, comforting the endo crashing fool has bandages on both hands, up to his wrist, consistent with the injuries to the guy who put his bike into the back of the car. Wonder if it's the same crew? If so, I wonder if any of them can ride?