Ssnewbie to a busa


Well I know a newbie post is worthless without pics but I want to post regardless. This coming Friday or Sat. I will be picking up a 2005 LE Busa with 2400 miles on it. Some older guy (50's) bought it and traded it in for a Goldwing. I picked it up for 9,999.00. I have owned a 1991 GSX-R 1100 and a 1989 Yamaha V-Max aswell as a couple of older Sportsters (1969, 1986). I know this Busa is light years ahead of those bikes so like with all of my past bikes when I get them is take it slow to get accustomed to it. Anyhow I will post pics when I get it and this forum seems really cool and very informative. First mod is the kickstand fix. Oh by the way my wife knows I am getting a new bike but not next week!! Surprise. I read someones post that said better to beg for forgiveness than ask permission. Thanks for a cool forum...
Welcome! Lots of good people and info here. Glad to have you with us.