Stacks - All Short, All Long, Mixed...

i just posted on this on my gen discussion forum look here.The Motorhead.Com is Gone

[This message has been edited by MOTORHEAD (edited 23 July 2000).]
good info MH...question: when you got to all long stacks, or all short stacks, how much r.p.m. does it move the "peak" h.p. reading on the dyno- does long stacks make peak hp at say, 10,200 rpm, and short stacks make peak at 11,000? where did you find peak hp rpm on the long stacks?
Well anyone have the word on the stack situation yet??? Some people say all long, some say all short, and then some just say to leave it mixed.

FYI: I'm more concerned with 1/4 mile times than top speed or hp.
Good one, the evidence keeps stacking up favoring the mixed.
But motorhead has done the most exhausting testing of all the combos and still maintains that all longs are the way to go.
Im still running all longs, I'll take ftlbs of torque over HP anytime.