stage 1 rising rate or 1:1


pros and cons of both types of regualtors on a stage 1 setup.

right now i am looking at a lot of areomotive stuff

if i go with a rising rate, what should i have it set for on a 7psi or less application?

i am thinking a 1:1 is easy setup but puts the injectors too close to the end of their duty cycle. a rising rate is a pain in the as to set up but my injectors will be in a happy zone. am i thinking correctly?

i am also thinking of ditching the whole fuel injection system and slapping a webber 44 sidedraft to the compressor and going old school on everyones ass

how about adding secondaries?

with a stage 1 you cant truely and safely use a 1:1 youd need a rising rate rag.
votech has a descent FMU

a 6:1 isnt a bad rate of rise
any higher and you might lock up the injectors
Use a rising rate, nmop 1:1. Secondaries are a good way to go but the system will run well with a little bigger injectors and a rising rate regulator. You do not have to go up to S2000 injectors but maybe in between.